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Everything posted by Reimbrandt

  1. It looks like the bike books for around 1000 in good shape....... 800 may be good. Im not a fan of the tiny tank thats on it. If ya get it put some rack in the dang thing....... that stubby front end sux. lol
  2. Good game.... but I've been a steelers fan since watchn my first steeler game on tv seen toothless jack lambert try n kill anything that got to close to him. The Bengals finally figured out how to play football, but chad is still a asshole. I do like carson... kinda reminds me of boomer in his prime. Still gotta give their defense props..... and yes, polumolu is the heart and soul of that defense!!!!!!!!! O, and screw any team that gives ITSELF the label "americas team". gag me with a fork
  3. me and a buddy were talking about this.... these worthless pieces of shit deserve the firing squad, period. All the legal bullshit that the low life lawyers can come up with to make it look like it was our fault that they attacked us. That along with the bastich that killed 13 at the military base........ we thought, whats the worse thing you could do without maken a marter outta em. How about putting them in jail for life with a bunch a gays? just a thought..............
  4. The orange is a good choice.... my former bike was tango, which is a Dupont color. Loved the hell outta that bike and it got attention. good luck with the project.
  5. Just thought I would chime in............. gonna have a booth at the show. I'll be set up right be beside Dupont. Hope to see some of you guys there............. that is all.
  6. Reimbrandt


    Ditto, ditto and ditto...... the very reason we have the freedoms we do today. Kick ass take names and come home safe. God Bless our troops
  7. Guess I'm totally fk'd cause my wife does both............... loudly. LMAO (fyi-if she sees this I will be dead with in 24 hrs)
  8. Better yet shot him in the hand so he don't build another one............... wow, thats messed up
  9. lol.... smart kid. gun control is hitting your target.................. seriously, they can ban everything with all good intentions and it will only make the honest sitting ducks. God bless the second amendment...... and god help us if it gets taken away
  10. LOL.... you could just see the goalie kinda goin "is that legal"?!? (or just WTF)
  11. Rubbing is racing but litteraly putting someone into a wall is major BS. Some tapn to rub of speed to keep them behind you is one thing........ like cmh said, thats how drivers loose their lives. Cant beat em straight up, you don't deserve to race
  12. 60.........not 6. sheeeeeeeesh lol
  13. cheap and poor....... not a good combo. if all I gotta do is put the shark mouth on and not have to clear the whole helmet would be simple. being a flat helmet I can do the work in single stage which will make the work a semi gloss at best. probably lookn at $60
  14. yep.... did that for this years riding. Thinkn about doing another for the new bike....... maybe, maybe not
  15. thanx.... you are a nice guy. don't care what everyone else says.......lol
  16. I would have posted the pic but my puter is in the shop and i'm on the wifes laptop. damn thing dont like to cooperate....................
  17. http://www.ohio-riders.com/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=1806
  18. errrr..... yeah, reagan was a movie star. he was elected on his policies.....HIS POLICIES not others. he did bring many countries together and if they didnt like him they feared him. If some one was looking into nuclear weapons they were cut off from any possiblity of getting them. if you messed with HiS country you ended up with a war head in your ass with 24 hours. Yeah, he was a movie star and a great leader............... last but not least, he took a economy worse (not by much) than what we have now and had the country booming. unlike someone else who has been in office less than a year and has spent more than all presidents combined. dont even put them in the same sentence....... its a insult
  19. Amazing....even a bigger joke than captain tree hugger gettn one for global warming..............................to bad that doesnt exist. have you heard the chants that a new jersey school has kids doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. nice... like the blue marble paint job. dont worry that happens a lot around my house...... car looked like crap, but the bikes detailed to the hilt. lol
  21. punkin chuckn..... cant remember where but there is a major contest with these and other devices to see how far they can launch a pumpkin. The white pumpkin is a very hard one that allows them to be blasted without shattering. Caught a couple of the contest on the discovery channel..... dudes are nuts
  22. Oh, and I forgot....................... GO STEELERS!!!!!! been a fan ever since watchn toothless jack lambert try and eat quarterbacks in the 70's. ah, what memories........
  23. I agree... Robo is ten times the man that edwards is and this is a big plus. If i was edwards dad I would be so dissappointed....... dad was such a class act and a major factor in the game. this spoiled brat thinks that just cause he has that last name he is king shit. Robo will fill in nicely........................
  24. Yep.... thats why is said its was a outstanding idea. just the work alone on the lettering on that trailer is insane.
  25. The overall intentions of the truck are awesome, but it holds a lot to be desired as far as the murals on the cab. I'm not knockn the guys ride,but the trailer is full vynil...... the purpose is outstanding.... the air work just isn't quite up to snuff.
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