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Everything posted by Reimbrandt

  1. GOt boned today.... the buyer backed out on the CBR, so its up for grabs. need to unload it for a decent price so I can hold up my end of the bargain with the other CBR. This sucks...............................

  2. I didn't sneeze, but couldn't get my nose to stop itching...... sucks when you are doing 70 and you cant get your fingers far enough up under the helmet to scratch. lol LOve the pic justin..... that is one of the funniest vids I have ever watched!!!!!!!!!!
  3. looks like a lot of fun...... that kinda stuff is why I paint, cause I can't wrench for shit. Thought You might like this.... my first bike that I traded to get my hurricane. hated to let it go, but was time to upgrade. One very reliable 77 GS550... was given to me and left for dead. some needed TLC and a couple trips to the local bike shop made it damn near perfect.
  4. Thanks.... I hope to have her up home by this weekend after the dude comes and picks mine up. cant wait..............
  5. sure will..... I'm not at all worried about the '96 cause the owner is a sheriff. not that they are all choir boys, but pretty good chance he is straight up. I'll keep ya posted on when I get her home.

  6. Just a shade over..... it books for just about 2800, so its all good. the only mark on the thing is the stator cover is scratched. The pic just doesn't do it justice........

  7. Awesome CBR..... I really like the "repsol" layout they do.
  8. Well... double duh! thinkn over the "underworld" theme. would be a winner and the grips on the bike are already purple.............. nice.

  9. will do... just posted a pic of it on the site. I will know by 3 tomorrow if my buddy will have the funds to get mine.

  10. I had a friend enquire if my bike was for sale to which I said yep, if someone offered me enough money for it. long story short... he did. So I went an looked at a '96 CBR that is in near perfect condition and am sold. Should be able to get down and pick it up this weekend sometime...... Gonna miss my baby, but on to bigger a better things.
  11. YO... put $$$ down on a F3. Not the one you seen ,but another 96 that is almost perfect. I'm stoked.... the guy is supposed to come look at mine tonite so keep your fingers crossed. I'm sure he'll take it though.... he has been drolln over it since the first time he seen it.

  12. I would beleive it.... it was fun to watch the groups of bikes roll in. Mine got quite a bit of attention along with my lid so that made it enjoyable to and got to hand out some biz cards. (yes, I had a alterior motive) I was also able to talk to some friends and former customers, so I did have a little something to do.
  13. he was e=mailn me so I suspect he is in one piece......lol sucks cause he was a pretty cool guy. there are a couple that i have inquired about that I am waiting to hear from. I have only been looking at the cbr's...... I may branch out a little on brand. not stuck to just hondas, but love the reliabilty of them.

  14. went, it was cool.... but I'm old and like walking around looking at other bikes. We were in near the end of the first row that was there and there were a s**t load of bikes when we took off at around 1. fun ride there and back except when the pack ditched me at the construction on 75. They shot around a pack of cars to get ahead before the barrier in the left lane and I did'nt want to chance it............. buddy said they hit about 130 and after he slowed down looked to see where I was...... which was several miles back still doin the speed limit. lol
  15. Well the one in dayton is out... he was riding yesterday and got hit by a car. Not sure on how bad the damage, but is never good on a bike. I don't want to inherit some unseen damage that will cost mega buck down the road. Oh well, back to the drawing board................err, craigslist.

  16. There is a '99 cbr in cincy for just over 2 grand. may be a better buy since the plastic is good...... desicions, desicions....................

  17. Yep Yep.................

  18. I'm back.... was watchn a movie. They tell me to tone it down cause I do skullz on about everything I got. I'll get some on this one too.... just wanna do a different spin on a old scene. I'll keep ya posted on what I do. Gonna take the old girl out for a spin to dayton tomorrow for the show. better go to bed..... gettn to old to stay up this late. lol

  19. Know what you are sayn... I love the skull bit myself, but many of my close peeps tell me to tone it down. lol figured the underworld scheme would be a new showing of my talent with the stone work and celtic design. the portraits work to show that I can actually put skin on the skulls. lmao

  20. Well, better late than never..... I will be headed that way early. SHould be around there from 1030 to 100. Hope to see some of you guys there. You should'nt be able to miss my ride.
  21. its purple and yellow.... kinda reminds you of a smokin joe bike. thought about doing a underworld paint job on it with likens and the girl death dealer. blue candy, black, with a lot of artwork under the candy. Stone and celtic work over the top part of the tank and tail piece. What ya think!

  22. 2 grand.... I found I can get a racing tail piece (no bitch seat) and the upper for around 200. I can get full plastics for it for around 500.... but the most I can fix.

  23. dude, went and looked at a F3 in west dayton.... felt a little out of place. lol Decent bike that needs some real TLC. The right fairings and tail are pretty chucked up, but fixable. Need to get a new insert for that side..... and I found a racing tail piece for just over $100. (eliminates the bitch seat) Ran good and he said he had two others to come look at it..... he is gonna call me if its still available and will hold it for me for the end of the week when I sell mine. Take so work, but what the hell............... be sweet when its all dressed up.

  24. Not sure if I am close enough................ you can give it a whirl here if we can work out a time. I'm away from the shop today, but will be there tomorrow and some saturday. drop me a line and we'll see if something can be worked out.
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