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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. seriousely loved the jackit too bad i sold the bike bump
  2. Traded my bike the day before yesterday for a car, but couldn't post because my connection wasn't set where i live now, my wife and i moved from new phila to Akron, where she got a better position where she works, and i kept my job in new phila. riding 3 times one in rain, i decided that i can't ride an hour in the rain so decided i need a car. got a 03 volkswagen jetta gls " seems a nice car " and my bike was a part of the price... so now i am looking for a bigger engine bike, and somekinda cheap one untill i can afford a better one, i just don't like my key chain without a bike key in it so keep me in mind if you saw or read about a nice bike for sale, thanks guys. And of course i will still spam the forum even if i didn't have a bike for a while Thanks
  3. hops he gets better soon man.
  4. the lovely thing about paypal is there customer service, call them... and check your balance dude.
  5. With sunglasses? maybe mirror sunglasses too:D
  6. it's awesome, or fake, it can't be fake, can it ? but thats a HD ? fake fake ..... maybe grrrr awesome but still..... Fake j/k
  7. Happy birthday buddy, in legend of mir3 we would say congartz on leveling up in real life.
  8. BikerBoy

    your vs you're

    My bad then , I thought they were talking about spelling the words , not where to be used, like did he say your or you are ? And how do I write effect with an a or an e ? Or is you are written as your you're ? Because they all are pronounced almost identical so I was thinking more as spelling than using ........
  9. BikerBoy

    your vs you're

    I don't think they are talking about The usage oftheze words
  10. Be safe ,don't do stupid things try to enjoy the sun , maybe some tanning ?
  11. BikerBoy

    your vs you're

    That's why I love British they go with your and you are
  12. BikerBoy

    More HD BS

    I won't say fuck harley, but fuck every rider with that guy's attitude tbh..... Although in my opinion " except the vrod " hardleys suck "
  13. Biker !??!?!?!??!? Anyway who is the hottie ^_^? how yo doin ?
  14. My ninja 250 is up for sale too , as I am still welling to upgrade to a bigger , sooner or later, every offer is considered but I am asking 1800$ almost mint cond, 46xx miles and moving. Ohhh yeah it's a 1998
  15. BikerBoy


    I am in , that sounds like FUN
  16. BikerBoy


    ok, so i will look for a car somewhere else
  17. BikerBoy


    Year, miles , and how much ?
  18. BikerBoy


    What Toyota are you selling ?
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