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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. c'mon guys, that bike is .... Pretty " ewww "
  2. shit..... i don't have 3500$ or i'd of been on the way already and dude, the matching helmet.... that is cool.
  3. So the Ipad is nothing but an over sized crappy itouch ?
  4. Except if you smoke too Actually riding helped me quitting Cigerates, as i couldn't smoke as i did in the car, not with that helmet " i always wear one " . but smoking never helped improving my riding skills
  5. " shaking head in disagree " I enjoy riding, end of story.
  6. I should get my helmet there too this helmet looks asskicking nice...
  7. b ah he wrote that while i was reading the post, my LOOKS GOOD count....
  8. I dunno, i just had all that in my little brain and had to let go, it needs re-arrange ?
  9. Okay here is another reason that i think realy helps freckin up the economy, and i see that with my job everyday" Buying stuff off the internet " you can find the same things that you have to pay 15$ frm a store for 7$ online, and you do that, i understand everybody needs to save money, that is cool but here is what you really did . cut someone income , probably leading to 1 or more sales men to lose their jobs, which might lead to a store or more to close. " okay someone might say why don't they meet the internet price " i have a theory about that , they can't because the store pays 1. hourly rage for employee who helps you finding something that you just take the name and the modle number and search for it online to save some bucks. 2. the store pays federal , state, county, and so many other taxes , that the internet sale doesn't pay, neither the sales tax. 3. you can always go back and return whatever you bought, or even ask for explination abotu something, or get ur stuff fixed if it was deficted or even excahnge, most of internet sales will be finaly, and sometimes you buy an PSP from ebay and get a 10 years old gameboy instead. but hey you saved 20 dollars on that . 1 sales man lost his job, that guy won't give his sone money to buy ur candy that you are selling, and he won't come to ur store and buy his wife a new earings, and hey he will not come to your workstation and fix his motorcycle, he will sell it and walk, or find an online someone to fix it for him ... and so you lost a customer or more, and day by day you are losing more customer, so you will have 2 options, you can close and be like that guy or you can start selling your serivces online and fire your workers " heck at least you are fine right ? " So seriousely i do beleive that buying stuff online " and i am talking about stuff that you can buy from stores " just so you save few bucks is frecking up this country's economy, that if it isn't number 1 reason for it ............ my rant " temporarly " over.
  10. bah i so want to go , but i am working all day since jan 01, and the day after tomorrow is their last day, and i am still wanting to go and buy some helmet,jackit, shoe, and gloves ( guess i have no luck with getting them 50% off , lol
  11. 413$ for my 32giga iphone 3gs .... c'mon btw, i am selling that phone if someone is interested, jsut not for such a price
  12. Maybei should start trying to get my permit, or these doesn't require a permit ? or is it just hide it when the cops are around ? Thanks
  13. lol people do alot of amazing things now adays
  14. That is sad and silly at the same time, for god's sake, someone is raping that woman, and they are passing by ? to be honest, that one of the reason these kids would do such things, because no one would even stop them, and that guy whome she asked to use his phone to call 911, kept walking...... lol sorry but that's stupid.
  15. 1995 katana 600 with 4000 miles on it, for 700$ the guy called me , i am going to check the bike after work purple and white " might have to re paint it " lol what do you think guys ? he says it's with no damage inside out i always felt that katanas are bulky, but i donno people say they are good bikes, are they ? thanks
  16. Mine Smoke Detector wors just fine, the wife was cooking the other day, it got a little smokey, and there we go " and by the way that thing is NOOOOOOIIIIIIIISSSSEEE" . lol i suppose they are supposed to be , ha ? i just hope it won't go off in the middle of the night , lol it will give me a heart attack for sure
  17. i had a loooong essay ready here, then i decided not to say a word of it . my rant is over
  18. You are right about most of what you have said, i just wanted to clear this one, not every " so called " 3rd world country lives 15 in a 2 bedroom apt. other than that, i totaly understand what you mean, and you have got some good points in it. but again why don't some of these " American " companies reduce the amout of profite they are trying to get, so the Americans can have some kinda " Almsot " a comparising between the prices and say " freck it, i'll pay 2 more dollars and buy an american product " I deal with some chineese products my self, and the Licensed" American desgine but chineese made " cost us 5-9 times more.....
  19. lol if you already called him , nothing for me to do yet, i don't have that cash around yet good luck dude
  20. Wow that's one a heck of a good point of view...... i didn't even think about it, you are probably right dude, Thanks Screw that ninja it's nothing but a nice paint:P
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