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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. on flights, as soon as the plane takes off, i am asleep a bless ha ?
  2. Any one in Mansfeild would like to check that FZR with me tomorrow ? the ninja is at mayfield village, berkshire if someone is near there too, please ? Thanks
  3. thanks alot for the advice, i know i should but i don't know anyone around who would go and check the bike with me
  4. I had a kawi ninja 250 1998 , and now i am going for the 600, i might do a see both tomorrow and sit on them and decide for sure we'll see
  5. i don't really mind that it isn't much faster, i am moving up from a 250, so it will be a hell of a fast for me for a while now i am trying to decide should i go with the 94 zx6 or the 95 fzr600, bah
  6. this one is for 1500 now and he says mechanically sound, what do you think ? Lol " i am like a kid, can't make my mind"
  7. a better bike Anyway if i got more money to buy a 2k bike for 4.5k i won't hassitate, but i don't
  8. now he is really getting prepared for'em.
  9. i don't think insurance is gonna be any trouble, i'll do progressive , i kinda like them, atm i am still waiting for the seller to send me his address so i can go and check it i always wanted a 90's Yamaha FZR 600 but can't find anyone around me for sale .......
  10. because i am working untill 9 tonight, tomorrow i only do 12-6 + i still need to find a truck or i'll ride it without plates ))
  11. So i take it you all are with the kawi cool i'll go check it tomorrow after work, if he didn't sell it " he says : someone else is checking it tomorrow" if it is gone i'll be back looking again lol
  12. I did Check Kbb, and that is why i came asking you guys for advice, i am not a big of bike info guy other than riding, i don't know anything, but cool as you think it's a good deal, then that's a 1 for the kawi, the guy says it runs strong i'll try it and see
  13. it just has a small dent in the front tire rim, and that kinda needs replaced
  14. Nice looking bike dude, Enjoy it
  15. As the title says, i am looking for a motorcycle and have 2 options so far, i just don't want to buy something stupid or over priced so these are my options so far 1. 2700$ Honda Magna 700cc 1989 picture 2. 1994 kawi ninja 600cc white and green, he says he dropped it on the side, nothing but scratch, asking a 1000$ a picture and another one For me i feel like buying the kawi, i only rode a ninja 250 before, so again , advice, and opinions please Thanks Bikerboy
  16. hmmmm riding grrrrr i miss that...
  17. Give it to some who is dear to your heart i'd say, your mother or sister , i beleive they would appreciate it more than " an EXgirfriend
  18. this video shows me for sure that i don't know how to ride yet or that these people are out of their minds...... I loved the push ups move, hahahha, riding healthy ...
  19. I have a used scoop i bought from someone, purple , i donno if it is cheap or not, 60$ i think it work fine, I'll thro in a new charger, it's in new philadelphia " my work is here" So if intrested please pass by.
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