I wouldn't advise letting the kiddies read, or listen to what's said here. These aren't child stories. However, sometimes we do have picture books. Milk dr...lol. Can't come up with anything that's appropriate to tell a 6 yr old. Besides...that's how you were born?
Not sure, you can ask Jags again later. I'm a certified milf doctor...please come by for a diagnosis. jk. Cold weather is coming. Time for runny noses, blood shot eyes, coughing, weezing, body aches...and sore throats.
Hey! He's expressing frustration. And...wear do you see makeup? Maybe...secretly...your hoping he's wearing it...to feel better about wishing to be a drag queen...? I is sorry for hijacking your thread. In all honesty...what the hell is he from? A video game, movie?