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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. You just got called out for doing it...or did i miss something?
  2. lol. Definitely one way to look at it.
  3. It's the same way in Chicago too, with Tollbooths. People try to run you off the road to get through.
  4. Nice find. There for a min...i was like this dude's name is Treasa? lol.
  5. :lol:In all seriousness. maybe he couldn't tell Mj was a chick? Mj, no offense...but with a helmet...and a jacket on maybe he couldn't tell the difference? lol. But that would be hilarious.
  6. lol. Damn Mj. Did you get pissed and do a wheelie after?
  7. lol. Ohh man....i know Yota would jump all over that.
  8. Male or female? lol. Err...beat me too it. ^^
  9. I would say...look no further...but Todd would get jealous.
  10. Nothing against Dave at all, but we'll see how this goes lol. He got slammed on his tire thread. If i had one to loan, it would be his.
  11. lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXB5gmL-HD0&feature=channel_page
  12. I'm gonna have to watch it again. It looked significantly smaller, than a 30-30. The gun he has, doesn't really have a butt to it.
  13. :lol:Don't worry, i can tell you...if it makes you feel any better. lol. No joke...at least we...ahem....leg humpers can appreciate it more.
  14. What is the gun that Tallahassee uses in the movie Zombieland? The very 1st one. Not long enough to be a rifle, too long to be a handgun. Any one? Best pic i could find.
  15. You could go...as a sexy milf pornstar...? Just a thought.
  16. Ok. 1st off, that guy has a really long tongue. Girls? lol. 2nd...is he wearing a bra...with Jewish Stars on them? 3rd....does that guy look like Wes scantlin?
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