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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. I bet! I love the looks of the vtx's, and actually going to go look at some today. They had a yellow vtx 1800 that i got my eye on. Both of your bikes look great btw! The only thing with the shadow's is...i don't like the pullback bars. I like mine to be straight. I'll have to catch you at the next bike night, or meet and greet.

  2. Haha. Sounds like fun! Hey, how does your husband like his vtx?

  3. Haha. Thanks. She really is quite beautiful, so...who knows...i might be able to forgiver her. :p I mean...if anyone's really lucky in this, it would definitely be me. Yeah...well i can hope right...? Have fun, and try not to choke...:D

  4. Always sucks getting a little older. 23...and i already don't like it. Just started a job myself, and looking forward to getting a motorcycle next month. All in all, pretty good. You make it out to any events this year?

  5. lol. Don't worry. I haven't rode with too many people either. So..we both have some learning to do.

  6. Ahh, i missed it. Looks good! I'll have to catch you on a ride or something soon.

  7. Just wondering. Heard about your friend. Sorry to hear. I know it's rough.

  8. You doing alright man..?

  9. Where's the pics of your bike man?

  10. Yeah, it was pissing me off big time. I got out of it, what i put into it. So..no big deal. And...yes i'm the most impatient guy you'll ever meet. If you got the money...i would go buy a running beater bike man lol. Something that looks like shit, but runs good. I know how you feel, i wanted to ride like hell too. But...not really cool to do that when the bike sounds like it's gonna blow up at any second all the time. Oh well...i'm back in the waiting boat..just like you. Glad i could rejoin you.:D

  11. *doing well. Sleepy, but good. How are you?*

    This has got to make it to my page for me to see it lol. Don't worry, i do it all the time. Doing pretty good. You made it out to any events this year?

  12. Hey bud, how you doing. Good?

  13. Yeah, good and bad man. Glad to know your ok, and will be fine in due time. Are you sure your not getting the better end of the deal here? Jk. :p

    Money for the bike and lost wages, plus you get to keep the bike. Nice, still sucks what happened, and glad you made it out ok bud. I know it sucks not being able to ride man, i am just NOW, finally picking up a bike tonight. Can't wait to get on the road. It's been too long since i have had my own. Get well soon and get back out on the road and we'll ride man. Just no semi's this time. :D

  14. Actually wanted to talk to you about paint lol. Can we take this to a pm?

  15. How you been bud?

  16. Hey. How you doing man? Still recovering?

  17. Whats up man? Good to see another Lancaster rider. What side of town are you on?

  18. Thanks. I definitely will.

  19. I appreciate the offer. But i was looking to get financed through a dealer or a cu. However, about to start a new job...shouldn't take too long to have 6k. But...it will probably be gone by then. Good luck with the sale though.

  20. Not sure yet. Been looking at both. Haven't rode a sportbike yet, and definitely been looking at them. Do you have one for sale...or?

  21. Hey. I'm keeping my options open. Just trying to find something that looks ok, with enough power. Why? Do you have something in mind?

  22. Hey man. You mind sending me a pm? Would like to talk to you about something.

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