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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Haha. Sounds good.

  2. Errr. So it doesn't run at the moment? I would make the guy show me that it runs, before i would do anything. But that's just me. Haha, you can have the whole package man. Looking bad ass and going fast too. You just gotta look. The bike sounds like it's got potential. Let me know what you decide to do.

  3. This could get interesting. Yeah if you do trade, it's good to have an idea of where you want to go with it. I take it's not a sport-bike then?

  4. I'm sure you will eventually sell it man. No worries. Really? That's kinda cool. What kind of harley was it?

  5. If i had the money, i would definitely buy it man lol. Good idea though.

  6. Damn that does suck man. I'm sure you will find someone to buy it soon enough though. The paintwork on your bike is awesome. It will catch someone's eye.

  7. Haha good deal. Sounds good man. Looking forward to it.

  8. Ahh, not bad. Wow, sounds like your getting a deal. If things work out, make sure to take some more pics.

  9. Sounds good. I'm sure you will make it look sharp. The guy wants 2000 for the cbr?

  10. Haha, i saw the post. Looks nice, are you gonna leave the purple, or repaint the whole bike?

  11. Sweet, what website did you put it on. Here?

  12. Hey, that's awesome man. I'm sure everything will work out and you can wear out the new bike. Good luck, let me know how it goes.

  13. Haha, i see. No matter who it is, getting hit on a bike...sucks. Period lol. Yeah Honda makes great bikes, i honestly don't think you can go wrong though. Most all asian bikes are really well made. If well maintained, i wouldn't hesitate to buy an older jap/chinese bike. That it is if it meets the hp requirements lol. :D

  14. Wow, that sucks. Yeah...i would pretty much rule that one out. There's always more on CL like you said. Good luck with it man, did the guy make it out ok?

  15. Cool. Looks like a descent bike.

  16. No problem. Ahh, i see. Sounds good man, definitely keep me posted. I'll talk to you later.

  17. Why are they telling you to tone it down? I think the skull on your bike looks great. Haha, i've looked at your website...and just from your bike, i think you can handle it.

    Flames like this would be pretty sweet. front-fender-freehand-flame.jpg

    This skull looks awesome, i'm sure you could improve on it. Airbrush_Green-Skulls-5.jpg

  18. Hey, you put on it whatever you like man. It will be your bike. I'm sure you will find a way to make it look kickass. I would just leave out the girl...maybe lol. But then i guess, that doesn't make it underworld? I'm a fan of skulls, flames, tribal, i know it sounds cliche...but it's cliche because that stuff looks awesome. I think if you made another skull variation like the one you have now...it would look sick. Just my 2 cents.

  19. That's not too bad. Sounds like it could be a real nice bike when it's finished. What color is it now?

  20. Err...be careful with plastics man. They can get real expensive. That sounds cool though man, hopefully everything works out for you. It's definitely sweet to have a new ride. Especially a new bike. How much does the guy want for it?

  21. Ahh cool. Yeah, getting a bike and having some money left over is always a plus. I'm sure you'll figure something out and it will look great. Good luck man, let me know how it goes.

  22. Hey. Wow, really? That's pretty cool man. How much are you trying to get out of it? If you get a new bike, do you have any paint schemes in mind for it?

  23. Haha, i'll remember that next time. Later

  24. Haha, that's the way it works man. Speaking of the lady friend, i gotta take care of some business:D:D:D I'll talk to you later bud.

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