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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Haha. Good to hear. Are you gonna put any custom pipers on it or anything?

  2. Haha. I meant mid July. Soon though. Hopefully.

  3. **busy as hell...... I gotta a bad bug last week, though, and was down for a little over a week. suckd..... the really cool part is you just cant go get one of these off the show room floor. it will be pretty unique...... hows things over your way?**

    You gotta hit view convo, and then post for this to make it to MY page lol. I do it all the time too.

    Good to hear your busy, but not so much on being sick. Definitely sucks haha. Yep, that's the best part. Not having something like everyone else. Good. Still working on getting a bike. I think im finally gonna finance one. Still working out some hangups. Hopefully by mid of june...i'll have one.

  4. Nope, of course not lol. My luck. Working on getting my dad's shit together so he can co-sign with me. I'm shooting for mid july.

  5. I think this thing is gonna be sick. Your gonna have to get pics up of it asap. I'm excited for you, and to see it. I love custom bikes. Hey, it's always good to know someone. How's business?

  6. How you doing man? Sounds awesome! Yeah, if you can afford it, i would cam it. Just sounds so much better. The month thing, not so awesome lol. Oh..at least you know how i feel haha. Are you still doing that underworld paint job?

  7. Not a problem. Did you have a good weekend?

  8. Not sure. Want to make some with me? :p

  9. Hey bud. Was actually gonna see what you were up too soon. That's great. So, your other bike is gone? Yeah, please do that. I'd love to see it. Keep me posted.

  10. Sounds good. In due time. Your doing it the right way though. Congrats on the new bikes, and i'm sure you'll pass with out any probs. Good luck.

  11. You and the husband have some nice bikes. What made you guys take up riding?

  12. Welcome to the site. Have your husband make up an account on here too.

  13. Haha. Yeah, i was just looking through random pics. Just a joke man. I prefer not to ride NTB lol. More like PTB.

  14. Means nutt to butt. lol. Like 2 guys on a bike. Why, did i say it?

  15. No bud. Wish i could have. I'll definitely try to make it to the next outing. Heard everyone had a good time.

  16. Haha. Your daughter isn't of age is she? Glad you liked it. :D

  17. Dude, change the avatar back! I loved seeing your posts just to look at the last one.

  18. Sounds good man. I actually gotta get a bike 1st haha. I'm working on it though. Hopefully soon. I think Pataskala is 30 min away, from me?

  19. Oh ok...you have to use small words for the "motorcycle men" around here. How long have you been riding, have you had any accidents? It's because your a girl lol. Married, engaged, single...most guys here think they have a chance with all the women here. :lol: Zero seems like a very lucky guy, it's gotta be great to share something cool like this with someone you care about.

  20. Yes it is. However, i've seen the the actual w word fly around here more times than i count. Haha, i remember when i was about to get my 1st bike, all the fun and excitement. It's good to be really passionate about something. Ahh i see. Too many big words...i'll leave it at that :p

  21. Yeah...i don't think ladies like to be called whore's in any con-text lol. That's awesome. I think i looked at it, it's teal green isn't it? Are you ever planning on getting a non dual sport bike? You have higher ed listed as an occupation.

  22. Does post fanatic sound better? lol. Glad your having fun, that's what motorcycles are all about. No problem. Are you a teacher?

  23. Just wanted to welcome you to the site. Looks like your having alot of fun here. Watch out...the guys here....they won't leave a pretty girl alone.

  24. It doesn't matter what else people think. If you like it, that's all that matters man. I know you can make something out of that bike. Let me know what happens.

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