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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. As always! Thanks for noticing lol. :D

  2. Happy b-day big mang!

  3. If you want that table, it wouldn't be a problem. Let me know.

  4. All in stride man. lol.

  5. Yeah, we'll try and make it past nine.

  6. Damn. Site finally up. Not sure, in Columbus? Do you know the area ok?

  7. Good. Then we should go out drinking. If you want. Probably make a thread, and see if anyone else wants to go.

  8. Hey man, you doing anything tomorrow after the game?

  9. :nono: lol. Yeah...once the engagement ring is given...you can forget about sex. A couple of my buddies have made that horrible mistake. Sweat-pants are not sexy.
  10. That was beautiful man. lol, i think ear rings, and necklaces are cheaper....and offer the same results.:D

  11. 1st time i saw it, couldn't stop laughing. Glad you like it!

  12. I checked it out man. Looks awesome, and can't wait to see it when it's done. You'll have to take alot of pics, and get a video of it running. :D

  13. Was good meeting you on the ride man. Sorry it went so badly. At least you got to see me in pain. :p

  14. I would love too, but i don't have the money to fix the bike. :( I'll get another one next year. Another sportbike.

  15. Was good meeting you on the ride Saturday.

  16. Thanks man. I appreciate it. I'll be back out sooner or later. It was nothing bad...so i'm not mentally scarred or anything...like some riders get.

  17. I thought you were going to bed man? lol. I'll be heading there soon.

  18. Sounds good man, hopefully it will work out for you, sooner than later. The way the weather is going now, i definitely think it's gonna be a little cold. But yeah, i'll be riding until there's snow on the ground. Nothing special, but what do you think of my Sabre? http://photobucket.com/shawns

  19. Didn't see this until now, wth? What else does it need to be operational? Pic of the bike looks good man, i would definitely ride it. In a month? You better hope it stays fairly warm in October. I'm hoping too haha. Sounds good man. And trust me i am, and will be.

  20. I'd really like too, but i've had some unfortunate events come up in the past 2 days. Let's just put it this way...i now have a bike...but need to look for another job. FML. Never fails man lol. I'm up for riding anytime though. Who knows, i might make it out sometime soon, not gonna rule it out.

  21. lol. In all honesty...i probably should NOT be riding motorcycles. I've always been the guy to see how fast something will go. Unfortunately not. If i ride off with it today, i'll definitely snap some pics of it and show everyone. The rocket girl sounds great! Hey, nothing wrong with being short. Seeing someone vertically challenged on a bike is awesome. It means your dedicated, and determined to ride and want it that much more! Can't wait to look at the bike, if it falls through...i have some cash for an older one. Looking forward to it too. Hopefully it's on a shiny new bike. :D

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