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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Wrong...on so many levels.
  2. I understand people need to make a living. Going into their chose career path, etc. But...how do you let someone 26 years old..become a deputy, police officer, or anything in law enforcement? These guys have been, and will be doing the same shit you are...but yet they get decide who to give a ticket too? Who to arrest? FUCK THAT!!! These bastards are young and try to show their authority, but...in this case..it just makes it more funny. Read the article, his dad helped him get his job. I'm sure. I think their should be an age requirement for law enforcement. At least 30 years old. No younger. These dicks are too immature...and power hungry.
  3. Welcome to the site.
  4. Not sure yet. Been looking at both. Haven't rode a sportbike yet, and definitely been looking at them. Do you have one for sale...or?

  5. Hey. I'm keeping my options open. Just trying to find something that looks ok, with enough power. Why? Do you have something in mind?

  6. lol. Nah...did you catch the today thread she made? That was more of an intro.
  7. All biased-ness aside...what was so unsafe about it? lol.
  8. Definitely try to make it out to this. Bike or not. Looking this weekend!
  9. Wowwwwwwwww. Wtf? There's a guy who lives maybe 3 min from my house, who rides a purple bike...with a cheetah design on it. Can you say?
  10. Haha. Looks like a great time. I have been wanting to get some toy's like that.
  11. lol. To be honest, when i'm driving and see a nice bike going down the road...i have to stop myself from waving. It's just a habit.
  12. Hey man. You mind sending me a pm? Would like to talk to you about something.

  13. Haha. Good to hear. Are you gonna put any custom pipers on it or anything?

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