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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Aiiiiiiish. Sorry to hear man. Just glad it's not any more serious than it is. Keep us posted on how she's doing.
  2. You wash that thing on a regular basis? No big deal bud, i can bust chops with the best of them. Yeah, i just reserved a motorcycle trailer at U-haul. So thanks for the idea. Totally forgot about that. 14.95! Thanks to 2wheels and Ziggy for the offered help, and 2wheels lugging the ramp out of the garage for me lol. Much appreciated for the offers!
  3. Who you calling a pussy!? Unfortunately, i think i can smell yours. lol. I have nothing atm. No temps, no license. And i won't have tags in my name on it. That should go over real well with the officer right? Yeah, if the bike breaks down for whatever reason....i would at least like it to be somewhere close to home. Instead out in some remote town. With a gas station maybe 10-15 miles down the road. Can you smell the fun? Yeah, i do...i didn't even think of the trailer thing. I could definitely give them a call.
  4. Good question lol. Wow. That's hilarious. Never heard of that. In all seriousness, both look good. I would go with Brunette though.
  5. You mean M109? Yeah, i definitely will. Or, you can see if you can get your name changed. I mean....it's just sad. What kind of bike did you have before?
  6. To be honest. I'm just about to ride it home. Don't have to waste anyone's time, or borrow anything lol. Scare the locals!!!
  7. lol. Good idea. Squidbilly Moose is on call right? Thanks man i appreciate it. Definitely will!
  8. She's kinda bitchy....like Mj. Up to you if you want to deal with her. Jk mj! Haha. Thanks for advice. How's yours coming along?
  9. Pm sent to both. Ziggy has offered to go with me, and let me use his. I just don't want to waste anyone's time. Totally up to you guys. I appreciate both offers. I guess now, it's figuring out who's closer. Thanks.
  10. If the truck didn't sit so high, i would say your technique would work, but i feel it sits too high for a hill, let alone a cut in. Let me see if i can find a pic. Not the same model, (rumble bee) but this is how high it sits. Here is a stock pic of the bike i found on the net too.
  11. A 82 Honda Magna v45. Out in the middle of bung fuck Egypt lol. There is literally a sign you pass....that says something Egypt. Technically, it's in Leesburg Ohio. Which is about an hour and a half drive from me. From Lancaster. I would ride it back, but i've never rode a bike with just back brakes. The roads too and from, are tight narrow roads. Gravel, twisty, etc. No lol. Always time for a 1st though. Gotta learn sometime.
  12. Does anyone have any ramps i could borrow? Just for a night. Friday the 10th, i go to pick up my bike. 600$ running motorcycle. Only issue with the bike, is front brakes are gone. The caliper is off. I'll be taking an 04 dodge ram. The truck is huge, but the bed is rather high up. Stock wheels are 20's. I have no ramps. But i have tie down straps, i think 4. Anyone have any tips, if the bike decides to slip/slide/move in a wrong way? I don't have the luxary of grabbing a handful of front brake. Just the rear. I should have my younger brother to help me get the bike in the truck. I was wondering if....anyone has any ramps i could borrow just for that night? I know we all (most of us lol) are cool with each other, and would trust. But if you are hesitant, i could leave my license, and or a check for the ramps, until i get back. I'm in Lancaster obviously. Maybe someone in Columbus, or nearby could loan me some? I could drive up and grab the ramps to save you the trip, and bring them back that night. Also for said help, you can have lunch on me or i can buy you a case of beer. Thanks. Shawn
  13. Oh...uhh...just fyi. Men do not respond well to crying women. It bothers them immensely. So...not saying being mean or cranky was the right thing to do, but....a crying woman can be a depressing thing to witness. Now....a guy crying over hitting a cone. Priceless and
  14. Try not to dump it....roll an ankle....or die. Good luck man. Let us know how it goes.
  15. Nice bike man. Oh...teach your kid a lesson. Kick it in the face for touching valuable objects. Jk. I love kids! Kinda sorta, not really. Ok maybe a little. ............................................. I joke, no one get their panties in a bunch! I would kill a pedophile. Mike, i'm not far from you in Lancaster if you want to ride sometime. After i get some minor work done.
  16. Was he carrying a boom box, shorts/pants to his ankles and rapping?
  17. He meant that in the nicest way possible. Rlly!? Welcome to the site.
  18. For the love of baby juice and pancakes....get your shit together! It's depressing.
  19. Nice bike. Love the color. Only a woman.
  20. Woa...you see how she tried to sneak that facial smiley in there?
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