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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Thanks again for everything. For whatever reason, if it doesn't, no worries man. You did everything you could.

  2. What? That looks ridiculously disgusting. Dog or no dog.
  3. Mr. Flores, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  4. No, No...no. Not those kinds of things. Remember...he only wants the sex toy stuff? Kinda weird...but whatever.
  5. Looks kinda like a rabbit in that pic.
  6. I'm sure there's plenty of trustworthy people here, who would let you store your bike at their place.
  7. I'll let someone else touch this.
  8. Sadly enough, i bet it hits top 10 on the charts.
  9. Serious question. Is that a kid...or an actual midget?
  10. The bike in the 1st 2 video's looks pretty good, except for the ape hangers. I do have a thing for rat/bobber/old school/custom bikes.
  11. I think someone posted up here, a while back...about the anal story. If you find it...you should read it.
  12. Yeah, a long assessment test. lol. So, what did they do? Try to make you go through a hoop or 2, to see if you could get to the actual site? Yeah...i don't know. A terrible worker...could answer as well as anyone. We'll see what happens. Hoping for the best. haha.

  13. Like a glove. When did they let women captain boats?
  14. You are the man, seriously! Thanks for putting the word out i'm interested. The link you gave in the very 1st pm, took me to careerbuilder and then at the bottom was a link to martelplant.com which i used to apply. Do you feel i should apply again using this link directly, or no?

    Again, much thanks and much appreciated.

  15. Brian posted this,http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=565850&postcount=1 and...it made me think of this. I can't stop laughing. Clown vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ezYQCVwC4
  16. The new fleshlight 2000! http://www.fleshlight.com/build-your-own/?link=281&gclid=CP_n-cjbq6QCFd9n5QodriRQbQ&ad=3191468774 HOLY SHIT! 65$? A hooker's gotta be cheaper than that.
  17. Or...you can click "the bike", at the bottom of the page. It has a link for you there. What...school did you graduate from?
  18. Lies! You mock meh. Only thing my tiny brain could think of.
  19. So...he shouts "yah yah!!!" while he drives?
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