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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Talk about getting railed.
  2. You sure? From what i get from this site http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/Honda/honda_vtx1800f%2005.htm (could be wrong) The Vtx's got the Harley beat statistically. The Honda will be cheaper...and you get the added relief of Honda reliability. Just a thought.
  3. It's not like your asking 500$, or 1000$ for a tune. 200$ definitely seems reasonable. And, i've heard nothing but great things about your services.
  4. My nephew said he could smoke you in his big wheel.
  5. Ahh no worries lol. I just appreciate getting the word out.

  6. Christ dude...3 crashes? Do you even have hands, or arms...for that matter?
  7. Thanks alot man, i appreciate everything.

  8. Just curious MJ. If your love partner made comments to you like that in person...the response...? Welcome to the OP btw
  9. Ahh....Brian. Are they taking your green card away mang?
  10. I was thinking of the KOC. At least there was one last year. Yeah, definitely ride one before hand if you can. I was looking at the 06 Gsxr 600's too. What didn't you like about it? The Ravens look great, and good choice on the bike 1st over the car lol.

  11. Pretty sure there's no Ducati. Anyone...care to find out?
  12. That cobra does look great. Hey, at least you got it narrowed down to what you want. I flip flop everyday. Alot of nice cars/bikes out there. You turn 21 yet, think you can make it out to the halloween party this year?

  13. Cobra huh? What year? Your not into Ls1 camaro's? Might be a little cheaper. R1's are sick bikes. Another bike i've been looking at myself. I would start at 04. They jump to 170 hp compared to the 03's 152.

  14. Keep us updated on the bike. Hope it works out for you. I wouldn't mind snagging a VFR in all black.
  15. More pics/updates? What's the current status?
  16. I'm with Brian. And...here...i used to like you guys I think i stated before in here, glad my misfortune could provide many laffs.
  17. Got a question Brian. Hypothetically, what would be worse? Nailing a deer...or having baby goo...and shrek juice on you?
  18. That's a toughie. No one can have sex with my dead body. Just saying. I know jags is calling dibs already....
  19. Probably what Gen3 or Hollywood would end up doing. Just...a guess.
  20. Guess my name would be BJ WingsenBarf? BJ BarfaenWings? BJ BarfenTurf? All i got.
  21. Me? No....ok...maybe a little. Sibling rivalry. Survival of the..."hey what's over there"? NUT SHOT!!!!
  22. Gsxr's. The epidemic. Nice bikes. But...the riders are the embarrassing "retarded" step brother you never want to be associated with.
  23. Good to hear. Those are good decisions for selling the bike. I usually end up selling the bike i have every winter for similar reasons. Hope to see you back on 2 wheels man. I'm hoping to upgrade come spring. What about yourself?, if you can that is?

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