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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Happy birthday man. You gonna be in Ohio at least?

  2. Funny, but more weird than anything.
  3. Ahh, didn't know that. Are you still trying to swing a sportbike or just selling for other reasons? I remember seeing something about you having insurance issues, etc.

  4. Ahh. Yeah you'll have those kinds of people. AH is one place that weeds out the inadequately equipped. People quit just taking a tour of the factory. One thing i've noticed is...people would rather make excuses/take the easy route rather than...do something that's common sense...or stick something out.
  5. Tyler. Been meaning to tell you for a while. Do you remember those saddle bags you gave me a while back? I never sold them, or did anything to make profit off them. I ended up with the YZF so i gave them to my brother for his Boulevard. I have his old ones, if you ever need a pair down the road. And...can snap a pic of the bike if need be. Just felt compelled to tell you. lol.


  6. That bad...or just have a bunch of pansies applying?
  7. Never hurts to sharpie a huge X on said body part. lol. Never know when someone could have a lapse in judgement. I had surgery on my leg/thigh sometime last year, besides needing to remove a benign tumor near my junk...them somehow doing the wrong leg was a major concern for me. Anyway, best of luck with the surgery man. Speaking of UPS...you guys happen to be hiring at all?
  8. It's on his elbow. What's the worst that could happen? They do the WRONG elbow? JINXED! Seriously...i had nothing to do with that...IF...it happens.
  9. You still have the Kershawkton bubby teeth don't you? Would go hand in hand.
  10. Guess i'll be missing it all together than huh? Take your benefiber and your one a days. I know...remembering stuff is hard work.
  11. Geeeeze. You set it early enough? I don't roll out of bed until at least 3.
  12. They got that bike...super clean...unlike meh pants.
  13. Yes, the 1st T/A was the 77 for the 1st bandit movie. I was referring to the 1980 turbo T/A for Bandit 2. I haz fail.
  14. If i had to pick, it would be the 70's. Era of the muscle cars. The 80's weren't all bad...your forgetting about the bandit!
  15. This to anyone in general dennis?
  16. They're both rather similar bikes. If you were looking for hp difference the Tl1000 edges out the hawk. Not by much, but around 15 hp. Weight for each bike should be right around the same as well. Full and dry. I haven't rode either one so i can't really weigh in on how one handles over the other. I'm sure they're both capable canyon carvers. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  17. What are the year (s) mileage, condition...asking price on each bike?
  18. Haha. As of recently, he hasn't been too bad. 03 = 33 errors. Steven Hawking could have played better. Must have been the year you 2 traded places
  19. Not quite. I remembered seeing it in the picture thread. I...almost said something then. Like looking in the mirror huh?
  20. I've been thinking this for a while. Doesn't he look like Aramis Ramirez? 3B for the Cubs?
  21. Welcome to the site. A few Fz riders here.
  22. No problem. Just did a search for yamaha/kawi garage banner and those came up.
  23. Or...this one i guess. This one's actually a Kawi http://www.amazon.com/KAWASAKI-NINJA-CONCOURS-DEALER-BANNER/dp/B000MIZ8AC/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1284858997&sr=8-9
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