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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. This has nothing to do with the YZF or me, but i'll get to that. He was commenting that he wanted a faster bike to keep up in the CSBA rides. Hence, for HIM stepping up to a big boy bike. As stated before and there's no doubt you know this....better riders can do great things with many if not all bikes. I think any modern 600...that isn't a kat would suit him just fine. As far as the YZF goes....wut? Sure, it's not a gsxr a cbr or an r6...but was alot of fun. May not have 120,130,140+ hp but didn't seem to bother me. Was able to have spirited rides and reach out and touch pavement if i wanted too. It did everything i wanted/needed to do more than fine. I would take it over a kat any day of the week. Performance aside or not. I find a way to upgrade every other year or so. I'll break into the 00's next year.
  2. No offense, but the 1000 sounds like a pile. Hence, why he's wanting to trade. I hate to break it to you, as i'm sure you can guess by now...not alot of people would trade for a kat. They aren't terrible bikes, but like the kids being looked over for dodge ball, they're slow and heavy. Great starter...or girl bikes. Anything other than that...well...you can take a guess. As it's been stated before, the 1000 would be almost a night and day difference in performance. My advice? Clean the Kat up. Sell for it as much as you can, (might be a little tough with winter coming, but could try spring) and save a grand or 2. By spring, you could be a little closer to the big boy bikes. Good luck.
  3. Demitrix (Bob) and a couple buddies play in Lancaster by castaways. I try to pick up/learn from them, as they're far better and more experienced than i am. I've only went twice, but i'm actually starting to like it. Kinda fun to shoot the shit...and throw things.
  4. The last one. Jimmy Clausen, isn't he now a QB for the panthers?
  5. I lifted/trained for a full year from 2006-2007 M.W.F. Pretty descent shape. Didn't take the diet seriously, but always pushed myself in the gym. Took almost 4 years off. Just got back into it about a month and a half ago. This time 100% serious. Nutrition, training, etc. Currently lifting M.W.F, with cardio in between with Sunday off. Not losing as fast as i would like, but i've put on a few pounds of muscle already. I take Optimum whey protein. And body fortress fruit punch creatine, as well as Optimum casein protein. My biggest goal is to be 200 or under by October of next year. And 220 something by this spring. I can't really say what supplement's aren't worth it, but i plan on buying some Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix soon. On Bodybuilding.com they have some great reviews, and doesn't hurt Hoblick's wife's brother is the president of MP. To everyone who is busting it out, keep going. Stay motivated, don't stop. Best of luck. Bodybuilding.com has some great inspirational/motivational threads. From fat to fit, and the handicapped/physically challenged lifters.
  6. Welcome to the site. What side of town are you in?
  7. NightRider

    Deep Fry Day?

    Hmmm. Yep...triple bypass surgery's and pacemaker inducing food await.
  8. NightRider

    Deep Fry Day?

    lol. I'll probably just eat before hand and hang out.
  9. NightRider

    Deep Fry Day?

    I'll more than likely be there.
  10. Speaking of winning, did you get your money yet Bkizz? Anyway, congrats again man.
  11. The girl on the left (dark hair) is an actress, don't know the other chick. Funniest part is the shake weight.
  12. So...i think MJ's preggers. Hwilli is selling all his stuff to buy MJ a rock. Yeah, no? Btw...good luck with the sale H. Seriously.
  13. It's 2 off your asking price. I think 13k is reasonable. Not like it's at 7 or 8. Not to be dick...but be thankful for what you have. Alot of people would love just to be able to afford half of what you can/own. Good luck with the sale.
  14. Bike looks awesome. Nice job man. So, i can come to you for my next project build?
  15. Chick on the far right has red hair. Dibs!
  16. For whatever reason her eyes remind me of Stewie Griffin.
  17. I have no clue. The wife appeared to be crying in the car...but who knows. I hate the people of CL...i'm sorry. When i sell something, i'm as descriptive as possible...so there's no surprises. I lay it all out. Good, bad. I list what i need for it, and say the price is firm. I remember selling another car about 3 years ago, asking 2k. Many emails, asking if 800,900$ will buy it. And at least 2 people showing up and doing the same. I never have a problem selling anything, it's just the retards you have to weed out. It's part of the process that i hate.
  18. I didn't see this until now. Haha. That would be awesome! I'm not picky, i'll take a 2010 or 11 model. Not to be danny downer, but i'm not holding my breathe. This might give me an opportunity to finish up some schooling. Have a great weekend man!

  19. Ahh, thank you. That's what i was thinking. She has manish eyes. Rather creepy looking.
  20. I agree with Tyler. 1st one to show up with my asking price, or what i'll take...it's theirs. No one else is gonna wait for you. Why wait for them? I would only wait for OR members or people i know. I was selling a car a while back. I was asking 1200$ for a 99 grand am that ran perfectly, had air, and heat...and looked pretty descent. To get it gone, i would have taken 1100$. This guy and his wife showed up...asked, and i said 1100...bottom line...no less. They test drive the car, and both agree they want the car. As we're going to the BMV....i get a call from the husband asking if i can pull over. He gets out of the car, and then explains to me...someone had gotten into his wife's purse and stole some of her money. I get a "sorry" and they drove off. Wtf? You couldn't have figured this shit out before you came down? I mean...i understand stuff like that happens...but double check things...and make sure you ready to handle what you need 2...before getting to said place. I sold it the next day i believe, but just a big damn waste of time. Some people irritate the shit out of me.
  21. Niiiice. Congrats to Bkizz! I'm glad all of us could help!
  22. This article was on yahoo news as well. His friend, or accomplice...is trying to spew this bs. "One minute, i'm playing basketball with my friend...and the next his arm's all bloody". Little kids are an epidemic. For each one born, they grow up and become worse than the last. If my brothers and i did this when we were kids? Even if we had been shot at, we would have to march our ass over to old lady sampson. Tell her "we're sorry" Then, work our ass off all summer fixing the shit we broke with our allowance.
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