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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. You sir are dead to me now. Go DIAF. Congrats btw.
  2. Not to start anything. But what's he gonna say? Uhhh...hi....911...there's a bike sitting in my parking lot? There's a bike close to where i work? He would sound like a crazy old person talking about some youngins, raizing ruckus in his parking lot.
  3. I wonder what would have happened...with the time it took for the cops to show up?
  4. What the hell did you join this site for...? I don't see this going well for you...in any possible way.
  5. lol. No worries. Thanks anyway. I've been looking like crazy myself. I think i might just save up some more, and get something in the 2000-3000$ range.

  6. Hey, thanks man. I actually went and looked at that same bike a while back for Bikerboy. It's no-where as nice as it is in the pics. There's a big hole where the petcock should be, and it didn't want to start. The kid knows nothing about it either. I met him at the gas station near 37. Once he gassed it up, he cranked it for a few min with the killswitch set to off. I had to show him what he was doing wrong. :nono:

  7. No worries. It should be for sale soon, if everything works out. Not too worried about it.
  8. Hrello! Ok...then wtf does it have to be a sabre? lol.
  9. Ahh. Yes i did. Definitely learned my lesson. Had fun. If i have the time, i'll more than likely make it out to the next one.
  10. It was cold as hell...but i'm glad i made it out. Had alot of fun....i'm pretty sure Todd was counting on me to biff again. Our waitress...wow. Which one was worse? The 1st one who didn't know if they had anything? lol. Ananda....your soup looked horrible! Glad you liked it. Btw, did anyone get pics of rick's bike after the crash?
  11. Great riding with everyone. Last part of the ride, thanks to everyone for waiting for my slow ass. lol. Sorry to see you go down Rick. Glad your alright man. Glad i made it home, bike in-tact. Thanks to everyone who set this up, and thanks to Chevy for letting me follow him...and pretend like i knew where i was going.
  12. Ahh, totally forgot about the bike. The stang? Good luck.

  13. Those Rc's are soo...soo sexy. Good luck with the sale.
  14. Hey. I'll see you tomorrow for the ride. Are you ready? lol.

  15. Are you making it out to the csba ride tomorrow?

  16. lol. Take it you been drinking?

  17. You making it out to the csba ride tomorrow?

  18. Me too. I should be there barring catastrophic breakdown. I'll be the dude on the old shitty sabre lol.

  19. So...i might me making it out after all for saturday.

  20. I'm gonna try and get a quick ride in, and try not to get rained on lol. But, i hope to hear from you.

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