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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Unfortunately not. I had a sad too, when i found out. I would have went with Steve Mcqueen or maybe John Wayne...?
  2. You know....James Dean was a closet homosexual right...?
  3. And....ladies and gentlemen...in the gold shorts...fighting out of the blue corner
  4. lol. I will have to consider it. I think if Ananda showed up, that would be price of admission. :lol:

  5. Damn sorry to hear man. Glad your ok!
  6. lol. I want too trust me. I just don't want to reprise my role as the crashing retard! I think Todd secretly wants me to go, to see it again. :lol:

  7. Oh really? I'm probably not even 10 min away from the mall in Lancaster. I was thinking about it, but probably not. I may be doing something sunday, and need to save my gas money. lol. Lame i know!

  8. Hey. I know Jp is like your bff man, but i think your like 20-30 min from me probably right off 33. We should get a ride going or something soon. I'd like to see that Fizzer...been looking at them myself.

  9. No worries brother. lol. I guess i've just heard too many brutal horror stories. Also...if i ever got lucky and became successful...i would find the one person to take all my shit haha. Or...at least the shit that matters. The toys.
  10. I just don't get it. lol. To each their own though. All i'm gonna say at the moment.
  11. Wow. Gotta agree on the marriage thing. If your living with someone, spending all your time together, etc...then why ruin it with marriage? lol. Your going to spend thousands of dollars for a piece of paper?
  12. That thing is teh sex! Hawt! No...really, very nice bike. Your sure it's an 88?
  13. :lol: Absolutely! We have none on here. :rolleyes:
  14. Definitely. Glad your ok bud.

  15. I had a woman basically do this to me on my other sabre (85 V65) Stop and go traffic and slammed on the brakes. Handle bars flew out of hands. We're both big guys, but cruisers are heavy man!

  16. Good to hear it wasn't anything else. Stuff happens man. Jason (Jagr) is a good guy, glad he was able to help you out.

  17. Vermont? Damn lol. Did you see it on craigslist or something?
  18. I've only seen a few of those. Where did you pick it up?
  19. Wow. That bike looks GREAT. Welcome to the site.
  20. Hey. Read about your spill. You and the bike good?

  21. Are slow, shitty cruiser-ish bikes/people allowed? lol.
  22. Welcome to the site. Nice KTM! How much did that set you back?
  23. What the hell happened to this thread?? I need a map and a compass to figure out wtf it went wrong lol.
  24. Anyone from my area, Canal, Pickerington, want to ride up? Just so i'm sure. 1500 Polaris Parkway is the spot to meet?
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