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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. lol. I guess that's the going rate now?
  2. It's actually an intruder volusia. I think they have around 50 hp? It would definitely be a good bike to putt around on. Weekend cruiser, etc. What's his current bike as of now? Cruiser or sportbike?
  3. Looks clean. Low miles. 3k isn't bad either.
  4. Not that i know. It's only really loud if you hammer it. I've had people follow me and tell me it's not that loud, unless your in it. Yes, you can drive it home. The previous owner, before the trade put in 4x4 and used it to drive up a hill.
  5. You fuckers want me on a moped don't you? Todd. Will you give me 1000$ if i get the big wheel out?
  6. Because i want it gone, and want a bike asap. I'll take 1000$. This is absolutely as low as i can go. Like i've said. It runs great. The only thing that really needs fixed, right now would be the hood. Just needs a latch. I actually found the latch in the bed today. Maybe you can fix it, and put it back on? Who knows. 1000$. If you can get me the money by today or tomorrow. And your no more than an hour away, i'll deliver it. Clear title. 740-974-9782. Shawn.
  7. We all, inevitably do stupid shit. It's our job to learn from the mistakes, move on and never let them happen again.
  8. Ahh ok. I was gonna say, if you needed to borrow a truck or something...i got teh shitty ford. lol.

  9. How you getting your bike back? Riding it?

  10. Do you know how much they're asking for them?
  11. Those things are huge, and have a shit ton of hp and torque.
  12. I don't know what is about the riders in Lancaster. I would say 90-95% of the riders don't wear a helmet. It's all about show to them. Can anyone see their face while riding?? Can anyone hear their bike? They're all fair weather riders too.
  13. That word always seems to catch up to me. It's never worked out. I can only imagine. Now you gotta put some actual miles on that thing.

  14. The hood needs an actual latch. I guess it broke, and the previous owner removed it. The windshield. Hmmm...it's not like the entire thing is cracked...or really distorts your vision. Unless you have glaucoma...you should be able to see out of it more than fine. 02 sensor. Think about this, they were not implemented into automobiles until 1970's. Your 50-60's, early 70's hotrod's didn't need them. The truck runs without any issues. The part is there for the exhaust. No. No harness. However, if someone from HERE shows up with 1200$ i'll throw in a brand new (never opened) JVC cd player. With the harness, etc to install it.
  15. Here's a new link with more pics. The only thing that REALLY needs fixed RIGHT now, may be the hood. That's it. Drive it home. Even in the worst of conditions the truck's worth 300$ more. These engines are usually ragged to hell with tons of miles. This one's pretty low. I think my price is fair. http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx97/SKtrades/
  16. You forgot the best part! The throwing of bra, panties...and or both. You know that's the only reason he's in a band. Come on!
  17. I can only hope your a female.
  18. So...uhh...how did MJ do...? She take...anything particular to the face?
  19. lol. Ahh man. Your just giving this chick another excuse to buy/pick out more clothing. In all seriousness. I hope after all the trouble you go through to get her on the bike, she actually holds up to it. Women are kinda funny about that.
  20. Shit. My bad bud. I've never looked into those, and just knew you wanted one. I would love to find an FI bike too. Don't be like me lol. Be patient, and i'm sure you will.

  21. Bump. I'll take 1200$ for it. Can't go a dollar less, so i have enough for the next bike. If your serious you want it, and live no more than an hour and 30 min away. I could drive it to you. 1200$ for a 125,000 mile 4x4 truck! Come on.
  22. I wouldn't disagree. I'm just saying if you get 5k or more, i'm sure you can get a nice truck.
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