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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. You ? lol. This can be locked/deleted. It sold. Thanks.
  2. This car needs to go. It's towards the motorcycle fund. Car runs well, some rust...just need it gone. 1300$ is as low as i can go. Here's a brief description with pics http://s990.photobucket.com/albums/af23/shawnwk/ Bad: Both windows inoperable. Some rust on each side of the car. Oil change light was never reset last oil change, but does not need one for around 200 miles. Heat and air work great, but only on high. Paint has chips, etc. No dents. Good: Car runs great, starts up everytime and is very reliable. V6 that is good on gas. Everything works, all lights, all electrical. No mechanical issues. Has been my daily driver. Just want it gone, for bigger and better reasons. I encourage anyone to come and test drive it. No surprises. You can call 614-804-6673 (not my phone, but using it for the moment, enjoy the terrible music) And ask for Shawn. Or pm me for more details. Thanks.
  3. Welcome to the site. And...why did you leave Cali?
  4. Welcome to 1985. Yes...it's off. lol.
  5. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Please experience one...it's not all win. lol. And...no i'm not she moved to Connecticut for a job. As lucky as i got...the poon wasn't good enough to follow it that far. How about a 3 way Jinu? We can all haz da aids. Pretty win/win...no?
  6. I have neither. lol. At least at this time.

  7. Are the times off? Anyway...wouldn't happen to be in the market for a cheap car...or know anyone who would do you?

  8. Hmmm...why do you need stories when you can have the real thing? I'm sure Mj's up for it. Get her some wings. Maybe some beer. Your good to go. Thank god...they were getting enough attention. Ahh damn i forgot. lol. I'll be sure to stitch Todd in the seat after i wreck it. Glad i could share my slightly erotic...highly disgusting moment.
  9. I've taken a couple days off from OR...just to think about a few things. I thought i would try and explain a few things to clear the air a little bit. As i'm sure alot of you saw the childish (my part) conflict with Zach. I'll try to keep this is as short as possible...but i'm sure it will run long. So...be warned. lol. I didn't know where else to put this either. This isn't intended to be a sob story, or a plea for sympathy just trying to shed light on this. Growing up from about 5-13...i went through some pretty rough times. Being physically and emotionally abused from my father. Being the middle child, for what ever reason it seemed like i got the brunt of everything. My younger brother did whatever was asked of him, and never defied the great one...so for anything to happen to him...or even spoken illy of him was rare. My oldest brother is 9 years older than me, so...he was always gone...and when he was home he was protecting me from harm...when i couldn't do anything for myself. In turn him and my dad (his step dad) got into it alot too...so he eventually left and ended up leaving home around 16. I can remember being pushed down a flight of stairs, being slapped in the face, punched, kicked, having marks on my back and doing pretty badly in school. From all the stress. I used to have pretty bad nightmares, and i will have about one or 2 every year. When they happen i usually wake up throwing punches, and have accidently hit a few people i have shared a bed with. My parents fought constantly, if there was ever a problem it was solved by screaming/yelling or violence. My mom in order to protect my little brother and me...seperated from my dad quite a bit...but it was never more than a month. And nothing ever changed. I was eventually put into a home school program due in part to having visible marks on me most of the time, and with everything going on i just didn't do much of anything in public school. I was home 24/7 until i turned 16. Amazingly...i was bought a car and stayed away as much as i could. But at the same time, wanting and needing to stay home in case my dad pulled any shit on my mom or my brother. At 18, i was able to eventually get my GED. And been working odd jobs basically ever since. To say...this man (if you can call him that) effected my life in many negative ways would be an under statement. I honestly can't say one positive thing about him. Or remember one good childhood moment. I have an immense ammount of anger...and resentment towards my father...and at times i admit i can be an angry person. Quick to lose my temper if i feel slighted...or threatened. I can joke with the best of them, and try to do so. But once a line is crossed...it's hard to restrain myself. There were so many negatives growing up...i try to keep a positive tone at all times. So...in a way i kind of battle myself to keep calm when things get tense. I don't have problems with anything else. Like for example, not getting my way...i won't stab anyone or break anything or throw a temper tantrum. I'm used to that. It's just when negativity is directed towards me in a unjokeful manner. I don't go looking for trouble, but when there is...i do what comes easy for me. Turn to violence. As obviously i'm not the strongest with words. And...obviously, that's something i still definitely have to work on...and have been for a long time. But there are definitely times where my anger...and my tendencies get the best of me. As i think everyone? Note: In case any one is wondering. No, no matter the case would i NEVER hit a woman. And highly look down on anyone that would. I'm sure as well, i'm not the only one who went through rough times as a kid. And i'll be the 1st one to admit...maybe i could have changed the outcome of a few situations...and sucked it up (no homo bitches!) a little better. So...like i said this isn't intended for sympathy or...anything of that nature. But just for me to explain a few things. I would like to say i'm sorry if i offended anyone...and yes even Zach. And have no REAL ill will towards him. Or is a great place, there are many good people here and i don't want to leave...or have to be forced to the door. I never meant to cause trouble or make OR look bad. I look forward to riding with more people this year...and making it out to some more events. Time provided. But...if i've worn out my welcome...and everyone wants me gone. I'll walk.
  10. No...even though dis really...really hurted my feelwins... your entitled to your opinion. Is it still the "mother fucking internet in person"? Wait...what if your on your phone...while on OR...hmmm....might have to rethink that. I got it...this be the internet....
  11. You don't learn....do you? You seemed pretty serious when the shit was getting real. You dictated...how i responded to you. No one else's fault but your own. Every man is his own chief enemy
  12. He gives us the very quintessence of perception. I know this was stupid, no question about it. However, again...i still stand by the fact that i didn't start this. I am not the one who started with personal attacks....and insults. It's one thing to piss off people on a website, if your from different countries....but the same state? Come on man...that's just asking for it. I understand people have opinions, no problem....but it's all about how you deliver them. I don't say anything about anybody on the internet...unless i'd say it to their face. Would you tell me, i have no "balls" or i'm not a "real biker" in person...to my face? All i've got to say is this, this isn't Allovertheworldriders.com.....this is ohioriders.com Don't poke the bear when he lives in your neighborhood.
  13. Mj is a woman. I...didn't actually threaten you. Again, thank you!
  14. Your generosity is much appreciated, and dually noted.
  15. No...i promise you i'll be there on a bike. However....at least i'll be able to ride mine back. I'm done. But...so there's no confusion for you...later on. I didn't cause this....
  16. I thought we were...until someone started throwing out shit like the no balls and not a real biker thing? No? I don't want to cause any problems or start shit for OR...but i hope you make it out to some events this year.
  17. I'm gonna take it you got your ass kicked in school alot...because you ran your mouth too much, right? If people are doing dangerous stuff....for the wrong reasons, then yes. To look cool, to do something as a fashion statement, to fit in....they're eventually gonna get what's coming to them. They're doing it for all the wrong reasons. They're eventually gonna get what's coming to them. An injury....or possibly worse. No one wants to see that happen. And the sad thing is....it can be prevented.
  18. I ride. I admit...due to circumstances of last year....i haven't for a while. Those ladies....do not. They only wish too....because they think it's cool. Like a fashion statement. No...what pissed me off is...wtf do you come off calling people "not real bikers".....who actually ride? You ride a dirt bike...a dual sport? To me...that's not really a motorcycle...but i didn't pass judgement on you. That's what you ride, you enjoy it...maybe your even good at it? As long as you don't ride it to be a poser...then so be it...i'm happy for you. But...again...i didn't say you were not a real biker. As you did me. I'm just trying to figure out who made you important enough...to make that decision. I've owned around 6 bikes....last year, being my 1st sportbike. I went down on it last year....i'd like to think i learned from that, and hope to get back on one asap....and i have a plan to do that. That's more....than i can say about some. Btw....i wasn't the one who started anything. I believe 1st....you said i had no balls...no wait....the old people who don't ride....had more balls than me. And then coming to the ASSumption that....i'm not a "real biker".
  19. Haha. Another part of this, that i have been meaning to say...that i haven't got to yet...is whether they're 18....or 81 i don't want to see anyone get hurt...especially older people trying to imitate something that could be as dangerous as a motorcycle. Again, i agree. Older people have been through everything your going through now, and can give you sage advice. I remember as a kid, listening to my friend's grandpa tell his war stories. How they used their helmets to make food, eat in, etc.
  20. Talk about ME being prejudiced. Who decided to make you god...where you could determine who's a "real" biker? I didn't post any of this stuff to start anything with anybody. And...if you look back at all of my posts...you can see that i try to keep the mood light. I don't really take too much seriously. However....i would be more than happy to make you see your problem...my way.
  21. Yeah...i'd definitely call that balls.
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