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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. I'm sure 99.9% of the time you know. Either way...weird...and creepy. She looks about as old as V4's gf.
  2. You got to buy her bw3's 1st. Then...make her shove...stuff...in her mouth. Works like a charm.
  3. Please...whatever you do...don't let a female drive it.
  4. lol. +1. How fast have you had it Don?
  5. Dude..that is...really weird...wtf is that from...?
  6. That's what i'm saying. The little ricers pull up next to it...and think they can hang. Well...they think they can hang with anything.
  7. Thanks buddy. I don't care if you like Techno, just don't expect me to like it.
  8. Looks good, how much did you end up paying for it?
  9. lol. I take it you needed some new ones any way right? Anyway, nice car.
  10. Haha. Nice. Did you leave any rubber on there?
  11. lol. Plus...when your drinking...you'll just about take on anyone. One year for xmas (my brother's and mine) gf's decided it would be hilarious to buy us the same jackets. A friend of my brother's commented on how cute he thought it was that we matched. From what i'm told, i rushed to the end of the table...tackled him off the chair...and started screaming "how fucking cute is this asshole"!?
  12. Not really a fan of the star...but the rest of the bike looks really nice. I couldn't see paying more than 8 or 9k for it though.
  13. Hmmm...very nice Don. The gto's the (00) gen are very underrated to me. They look great to me, but...have that sleeper look to them. You should post up a video of the car.
  14. She's good looking....but not that hot. She looks really bitchy...like Mj. jk!
  15. +1. Come on yota....get with the program! That much time, you could make a couple sex videos.
  16. I think he tired the butt. What else is he gonna do? lol. Nice find man.
  17. He forgot to take the monkey pill. Monkey viagra...in all stores now.
  18. WOW. That is hilarious, he didn't last long though.
  19. I was 12 when it came out. John Goodman = win though.
  20. Wtf does it matter? They won't be on long.
  21. +1. If you have a protection order...against you...why would you do that?
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