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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. It just felt weird leaving my baby on someone else's driveway...
  2. Feels a little bittersweet today. Selling my R6 that I've owned for about 5 1/2 years now. It was my first bike. Will be riding it to the buyer and that will be our last ride together. I'm probably gonna cry a little bit.
  3. Phew. That's good to know it's still perfectly safe to wear. Did not wanna drop cash on a new helmet right now.
  4. I was about to head out on the bike today when my visor wouldn't go up. So I toggled with the little switch on the left side and it broke off. You can see where it used to be in that little divot. Naturally I'm concerned about what the consequences could be. Will this cause my visor to come off unexpectedly, or just prevent me from removing the visor?
  5. This made me all nervous shipping out my Touchpad I sold on eBay yesterday...
  6. I like this route too. Two can play stupid at this game.
  7. The community "activist" needs to get real. Parents' checking their kids? Please. We need to quit kidding ourselves and pretending we live in the 1940's and that if we give these kids minor punishments that father and mother will beat their ass straight at home. We allowed the pussification of parenting and this is what we got.
  8. http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/Dayton+OH+45431:4:US There it is!!!
  9. Ommegang is incredible beer. Savor that shit.
  10. Welcome, though at this rate you may want to change the title to "looking for a new state to ride in"
  11. I usually let it got for 2 weeks at minimum, then however long it takes me to get around to bottling. My last batch came out poorly when I let it sit a month, had way too much yeast cake overgrowth and blocked the outlet. Also tasted a little spoiled. I think my Safale was too old.
  12. I've noticed just about all the recipes I've made tend to have this same very faint underlying flavor, like something green apple that bugs me.
  13. I think of them as comparing baking a cake from a Betty Crocker cake mix vs. from scratch. I have two Mr. Beer kegs right now and they're about perfect for me since I dont drink enough beer to brew 5 gal at a time. When I have the time and space, I'd love to get the keg setup like you have!
  14. Don't the actual brand Battery Tender have reverse polarity protection anyway? Connect + to + and - to - and see what happens
  15. If you count a Mr. Beer kit as a brewer than yes. Maybe a Junior Brewer? I'd love to get into the big stuff down the road!
  16. yeah same here, i have a comp only 360, only puts out 720p though so i was hoping to find an hdmi version if the price is right
  17. Xbox have HDMI output or just component? PM sent on Nexus 7
  18. I got out for a few today, but got a bit chilly. So tired of riding cold, though I will admit having an air-cooled engine is kinda nice when it's cold out.
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