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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. Did you spend all night last night googling for a similar story that we didn't read? Don't be an idiot, obviously everyone doesn't read every newspaper website in the world.
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/08/06/mississippi.hate.crime/index.html Sorry man, but white teens are shitheads too and I hope the fuckers involved in this case were burned at the stake too (after all applicable due process of course).
  3. False. It's relevant because it shows he deserved better. You can point out ANY FACT involved and claim it's irrelevance: Why point out that he was 88-years old? Does it matter what his age was if he's just as dead? Why point out he was a man? Does it imply that his being male had something to do with the case? Why even point out he was beaten to death? He's just as dead if he had a heart attack in the car as if he was beaten. MNN - Magz News Network reports this story as: Person deceased, 2 others connected. Justice system in motion, please await verdict. Why am I still playing this game with you? I just now realized I fell for the Magz trap: I know you're just trolling for shits and giggles and still responded. I feel like less of a man now.
  4. I think you're confusing "manipulation" and "relevant facts." Obviously certain things will upset people more than others. If someone kicked a random 58 year old woman in the shins and ran off, am I gonna get riled up when I hear about it? Probably not. If someone kicked my 58 year old mother in the shins and ran off, I probably will. Does that mean the person who told me about those events is manipulating the story to make me mad? No, it means they're telling you the facts about it. And yes, we would be infuriated if this was an 88 year old tax accountant or an 88 year old homeless man, perhaps not to the same extent. It's an atrocity either way. And YES, it would be on this site. Lest you forget we talked about the shooting of a baseball player recently. Hardly in the same league of reverence as a WWII veteran who was wounded in Okinawa. You're just making yourself look foolish.
  5. It's only unusual because it's not currently used and therefore, usual. Sweet brag, your position is consistent with everyone else's values. Again no one has said "burn the first person we suspect of this crime without due process or regardless of the verdict."
  6. I read the title of this thread and thought, "who the hell considers the coolness of kitchen towels???" I now realize why.
  7. Exactly. Gotta make sure we burn the right fuckers. I'm not a crazy person. Leave it to Magz to always suggest someone meant something they didn't. Just to be safe: HERE'S WHAT WE SHOULD DO TO THEM SHIT BAGS!!!! - Thoroughly investigate who committed this act! - Track down the most likely suspects! - Read them their Miranda Rights! - Arrest those fuckers! - Hold a grand jurty! - Indict these bastards! - Give them a court-appointed lawyer if they can't afford one! - Charge them with only the appropriate crimes they deserve! - Have a trial by jury of their peers! - Allow them their 5th amendment right to remain silent if they so choose! - When the jury returns their verdict of GUILTY, sentence them to DEATH BY BURNING AT THE STAKE IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE! - Proceed with said burning.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/23/us/world-war-vet-beating-death/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Are you fucking kidding me? Burn these fucking shitbags in the streets. Seriously, Salem Witch Trial shit. What was he doing? Waiting outside a lodge to walk a lady home. Unbelievable.
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/21/justice/australia-student-killed-oklahoma/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Oh shit, "kids" tweets are coming out now. Looking like potential for hate crime. Paging Eric Holder?
  10. This is so true and something that is so overlooked. Peak HP seems like a great comparison, but doesn't tell how the bike rides. I was very nervous ditching my 2004 R6 with it's ~120ish peak crank HP for a ~100hp peak crank HP Monster 1100. You've really gotta look at the performance curves to see how the "butt dyno" will respond. Power as you pull off the stop light is about double in the Monster and RPM to RPM is 20-30HP higher until the rev limiter. Makes a big difference in how you feel riding the bike. I don't miss those 20 peak HP.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Rumor has it the next iteration of the monster will be liquid-cooled and getting a SBK powerplant. Disappointing if it does. The 2V air-cooled just has it's own character and sound that is unique. More than enough power/torque to make most happy. http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/07/03/next-generation-ducati-monster-1198-spied-photos/ As far as this 899, hopefully they revamp the styling a bit. The 848 evo was a much better looking bike. http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2013-Ducat-Superbike-848-EVO-Corse-SE-04.jpg
  12. i love honest trailers. they ruin so many movies that i once liked, but the flaws are so true.
  13. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/three-teens-charged-over-murder-of-melbourne-baseball-player-chris-lane/story-fni0fiyv-1226700172461 Michael Jones got a lot lighter for his mugshot.
  14. I can't figure out why this person even drove over the grass. It's pretty obvious what the easy way to use your driveway is: pull straight in, back up into the left extension area, drive back out. Your standard 3-point turn everyone should know how to do. I drove one of those large Scott's Lawnservice fertilizer trucks for 2 years and successfully navigated tougher driveways than this.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/20/justice/australia-student-killed-oklahoma/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Perps were 15, 16, and 17-year-olds. One admitted they were just bored and felt like killing someone and he just happened to be jogging by them. Local news video: http://www.news9.com/category/116601/video-page?clipId=9216575&autostart=true
  16. Find me a woman who'll have sex 50 days in a row, let alone 50 times in a day. ;-)
  17. i bought my driven steel sprockets and EK MVXZ chain for my old R6 from motomummy. Looks like you're in Dayton. If you need a chain breaker and riveter, hit me up.
  18. Too bad you weren't looking back in April when my 2004 was for sale. Great bike, you'll like it.
  19. Never said it meant never breaking the law.
  20. You're a master of subtle spin Magz. I said, "go to and die in war," clearly anyone can be killed during war. Never said being an adult meant being fully intellectually or emotionally developed, which are certainly not required of being an "adult" and I'd argue many people never reach. What ought to be expected is a certain level of maturity and conduct. Don't get me wrong, Im not saying this kid deserved to die or anything remotely close to that, but rather as a society we should have higher expectations of 18 year olds, adults, than to just view him as a "kid" or "child." It just lowers the expectations for those that really are kids/children for what they should expect to get away with.
  21. 18 is an adult, you can go to and die in war. If you're old enough to do that, you're old enough to know better than to do stupid shit like this. We've developed a culture that treats people like kids until they're in their late 20's nowadays and glorifies being rebellious little shits.
  22. Since when is 18 a "teen" "kid" "child"
  23. I would imagine if Joe schmo walked up to someone with a visible firearm and said they'd shot you in the face you'd probably get off with self defense. Not so when it's an officer.
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