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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. haha, this failboat has pretty much set sail, it's going on 3 years this year and she (and everyone else in our families) pestering me at every opportunity. @CS: she wants that same one but princess cut. and i've done a pretty good job of keeping my balls out of the jar thus far, lol.
  2. seafoam that bitch and take it for a spin first too!
  3. yeah, it's getting to be about that time where i need to be buying the lady a ring and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for jewelry stores in the area that have good prices. i figured some of you guys have been through this before so any help would be great.
  4. no it wasnt a joke. my friend has bluetooth in his car and it automatically syncs with his iphone to play music and take calls when he gets in. THAT'S the shit that should be standard on cars, not MPGs.
  5. here's another strategy: take another female(s) for a ride and make sure she's aware of it. repeat until she gets jealous. i took my roommate's gf for a ride and now my gf's begging me to take her out. i suppose you could get some super testicles and try taking an ex for a ride, that would magnify the jealousy effect about 1,000-fold.
  6. fucking 12 year olds to death, flying planes into buildings, and beating the shit out of women who get raped. yeah, we should just stfu.
  7. you can buy this t-shirt from the onion. lol. http://store.theonion.com/product/with-all-due-respect,331/
  8. a couch could be a ladder if you stacked up a sectional, or a dwelling if you lived underneath it, or a weapon if you dropped it off a roof. for the record, i am just trying to be difficult.
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/04/09/yemen.child.bride.death/index.html?hpt=T2 who the hell wants to marry a 10-12 year old anyway? some sick mother fuckers living over there. just when i was thinking how hard it was for our gov't to get shit done, i read this and see their gov't can't even get together to try and stop ppl from marrying and fuck-killing 12 year olds?
  10. to put holes in paper, destroy clay pigeons, and provide food for your family. ta da!
  11. Are there any good roads up in Ashtabula? sounds like the perfect time to go nuts on the bike with only one cop to worry about.
  12. lol. i like it and so must your neighbors.
  13. ^ lol! you know you're fucked up when the KKK thinks you're scum... wait a minute...
  14. oh, lol, that's a lil bit away from columbus.

  15. just saw a news report on ABC6 about controlling gun violence and a clip of the Mayor weilding a gold desert eagle saying "these things are for killing people" i lol'd cause that's exactly what i told my friend when i was handgun shopping at vance's a while back and saw the gold deagle. then he pulled out a G3...
  16. I'd give 'em 'bout tree fiddy.
  17. 2nd Gen R6 FTW if you want HIDs no seriously it's great to already have projectors in your bike. and just as a side note for you guys, the DDM HIDs seem to drop in color temp over time. My 6000k bulbs were icy/very light blue to start and are now almost purely crisp white after a few months of use. still my favorite upgrade to the bike thus far.
  18. 2nd gen R6 trailing a goldwing, what'd you expect.
  19. at first i thought that was concrete under your cyst pic and i thought this guy either let you take it home with you or you went to a back alley "doctor" lol
  20. when was the last time you charged your battery? my 35W DDMs start to act up a bit when my battery is starting to run low. trickle charge it overnight and see if that fixes it.
  21. lol, for some reason when i first saw that pic i thought it was tampon boxes, but boxes of douche are so much more fitting. Hannity is on par with Jon Edwards for Biggest Douche in the Universe.
  22. well i'm glad you can appreciate a good pair. where are you from? i may need some ppl to ride with this weekend if all my amigos bail out on me.

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