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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. VRA has had .380 every time i've gone to shoot the PK. www.sgcusa.com always has some in stock (Magtech) and occasionally get's PMC .380 in stock for $14/box, best price i've ever seen on .380. I've never been out of .380 since i bought my PK380 and i've put about 600 rounds through it in the last 4 months. still got about 500 rounds sitting around.
  2. i love it and totally forgot it was on tonight
  3. i know accidents happen (though in this case was willful negligence), but it never seems right when one person dies and the punishment is max. 5 years. It almost serves to trivialize the seriousness that is actually involved in operating a motor vehicle.
  4. +1, cant text and drive a stick. i've tried before. plus manuals are better anyway
  5. i dont think this will be any more effective at preventing texting and driving as a law against speeding prevents speeding. can't see the situation on the road actually improving to the point where we'll notice it.
  6. i wouldn't get my hopes up too high for the next "Infinity Ward" COD either. Apparently there was some big fallout with them and Activision (which I guess bought them out) and a ton of their top designers/producers for the Modern Warfare series have left the company.
  7. what ever happened to the good ol' pocket full of big screws trick? chuck a few over your shoulder til he gets the hint. "they must have been on the road and got flung up by my tire.
  8. there's only one good thing PETA has done: get more naked women in public otherwise their a bunch of sleezy hypocrites who gladly bring in donations from pet owners while opposing pet ownership, protest euthanasia at animal shelters while killing animals at their headquarters, and use animal-derived medications while providing funding for the legal defense of people who firebomb animal research facilities while peddling their idiotic propaganda to the only group of people naive enough to buy into it: 3rd graders.
  9. been there with my first tire. i've been really happy with the my michelin PPs. i've got about 5500 on the rear with plenty of tread left til the wear bar.
  10. you should figure out where these PETA ppl's kids go to school and go give out free tickets to the circus, making sure their kids get it and you build it up to be the best thing they will ever see in their life. that way mommy has to explain why they cant go.
  11. watch the Penn & Teller BULLSHIT! episode on PETA. they kill more animals than the city-funded animal shelters they protest. also they're retards.
  12. or we could buy a bunch of tickets and hand them out to kids for free to show how worthless PETA's antics are.
  13. smashweights

    Phone Sex

  14. meh, i'm just gonna go ahead and recommend not getting a 380 unless you wanna pay about $7-10 more per box of ammo.
  15. if this did happen, i give the pirate-geeks 24 hours before it's circumvented and some counter software put out. the pirate-nerds are better programmers than the govt/RIAA/MPAA anyway, they have basements and an endless supply of hotpockets.
  16. +1 for bid sniping. the only time i've ever won something without sniping it at the end was something no one else bids on anyway.
  17. other option can be to "induce" RROD if you're still within the 3 year special RROD warranty. i dunno how you'd do this, but i'm sure it's possible. i think it has to do with overheating the system, like leaving it playing a game for a few days straight. i was having DVD drive issues for a about a year (cant read disk errors all the time) and when i left my last job had a few months of nonstop playing for long stretches of time. Got RROD in about 6 weeks, lol. anyway, shipped it out for RROD repair (2nd time with the RROD), and got a "new" console this time. no more DVD drive problems.
  18. haha, she's becoming one too, so there's the potential for a LOT of bikes in the future have to look into that. kinda curious to see how she would respond to colored cultured diamond...
  19. if it comes out clean, might that imply it's not dissolving impurities? 1st season put Motul in the bike 2nd season put Amsoil in the bike... 3rd season put Motul back in the bike. Bike likes it a lot better. Better shifts, smoother idling, better MPG.
  20. man lots of bitterness around here. thanks for some of the recommendations around here. i'd looked at some of the Apollo man-made diamonds and what not, i'd like to go that route if possible. i havent looked into the diamonds-setting separately but will do, just have to find 3 of them dont i? on a lighter side note for the marriage bashers: so far she's the only one that's been accepted into medical school so I may be the one getting the better end of the deal, lol.
  21. also just think if you hadnt been wearing that helmet your sunglasses would have gotten all scraped up.
  22. my roommate wants to watch this sometime for the "wow that's bad" effect. i had a pair of piranhas back in high school. pretty cool for fish.
  23. wow that's a heck of a wreck man, glad you're alright. my first thought seeing the bike was "where's the front of it!?" then you showed someone holding it. scary shit man.
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