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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. There's gotta be another way to reseat this thing, if in fact, that's the cause.
  2. Where is that/how do I get access to that? I've never seen anything like that on the bike...
  3. ball and cup joint eh? If you find that pic, I'd be most grateful cause i'm not sure what this is.
  4. You and me both. When you think you got most of it, it's like it works it's way out of the secret places as you ride and more shows up...
  5. Yeah, I saw that in my Clymer manual today. I'll have to loosen it up a bit, I didn't realize how loose those were supposed to run... And based on your picture, we're talking about two different things. The bulb is in place just fine, but if i grab the metal housing around the bulb there, I can wiggle the entire projector assembly
  6. Got a picture? It's hard for me to tell based on your description. Sounds like I need to loosen my chain a tad.
  7. No, it's just the projector apparatus inside the housing. The screws are just fine. With the bulb clamped down, if I wiggle the apparatus, it moves around, the high beam housing does not. And Serpent, thanks for the tip on the washer. The original bends were close enough that I managed to get them bent down far enough on the nut that it should hold well. And the chain slack I set it to about 1.25" of movement. Took the bike out for a ride today and no problems, even at high speed. Though that chain wax is a bitch to get off! I spent a good 10 minutes with the grunge brush yesterday after I got the chain on and I'm still getting white goo on my freshly washed bike...
  8. I'll take a look. The high beams on the right side are just fine, firm and centered.
  9. How do you get the washer to bend? I couldn't figure it out for the life of me and the original bent spots are not lined up over the flat edges of the nut...
  10. Well, went ahead and replaced the chain and sprockets. I'd been wanting to get a bit more low end/acceleration out of the bike anyway, so I got an EK MVXZ 520 chain and two new driven steel sprockets (-1/+0). Rode around the block in a light drizzle and it didn't explode or fall apart, so I'm happy thus far.
  11. How do you then determine if it's just a loose chain vs. bad links? I read a few places that jumping chain could be a seized or rusted link. there are a few rust spots on the sides... Any ideas on the headlights? There's two adjustment screws to adjust the position of the projection lenses inside the headlight housing and if i tighten it up so the projects dont wiggle a lot when i push the housing around, it pulls them so far back that I can't get the dust cover on, not to mention the aim is totally off...
  12. Additional info: took the battery to autozone after charging for about 12 hours at 1A (battery is a GS GT9B-4) and it showed it was 66% charged and putting out 12.35V. Time for a new one? New question: When the bike is in neutral and on a rearstand, should the rear wheel turn at all? Mine rotates slowly when in neutral, even with the clutch pulled all the way in. Normal or potential problem?
  13. Been a while since I've been on here, but here's my questions for you all: 1- I went to change my low beam bulb and realized this odd clunking sound was my projector fixture was super loose, apparently I overdid it when adjusting the headlights a while back. Now the problem is they are either just a little wobbly or way out of whack if tight and stable, and too far back to even get the dust cover on. Are these supposed to be a little flexible within the housing? I'm dumbfounded here... 2- Fired her up on the rear stand today after a good spring wash and wax and notice my chain "hops" around a bit. In a nearly rhythmical fashion, it seems to almost pop, or something, not sure how to describe it exactly, but it's very concerning. Time to change the chain? 3- Battery, I assume it's likely the original and if I let it the bike sit for a month or so, it won't start. Yeah, idiot question, but just want to make sure it needs changing. Thanks for the time guys, much appreciated!
  14. battery life estimates are just that. we'll see how they pan out in real usage. evo's battery life is already a complaint, but hopefully when they release android 2.2 for it that will improve (so i've heard). i'll be surprised if the battery life is any better. the higher res screen on the iphone should eat more juice anytime it's powered up. but i wouldnt be shocked if it had a longer lifespan than the evo as the evo's processor will probably suck it dry.
  15. it is pretty sweet. my brother has one already and though i havent used to too much, i like so far. sprint tv is pretty cool.
  16. new AT&T plans will have limited data, i think 2GB without tethering, which will cost extra. Existing customers will be able to keep their unlimited plans, but if you wanna add tethering option, you'd have to change your plan to a limited data one. my iphone friends aren't happy about that.
  17. you could just go but an HP Dm4t with core i7 instead of pinning for steve jobs praying one day he overcharges you for the same hardware. Have fun playing with AT&T til 2012 with limited data plans and extra cost for tethering. Picking up my Evo friday.
  18. spain's lineup is pretty stacked with Torres, Villa, Xavi, Iniesta, Alonso, Puyol, Ramos, Fabregas, and two of the best keepers in the world in Casillas and Valdes.
  19. quick thought: instead of messing with all these pics, offer someone who's got bike experience some beer to come look at it in person. beer motivates ppl around here. edit: not me though, i dont know jack about this stuff.
  20. my personal rule is one the bottle gets opened the bike keys go away for the rest of the day. Not worth it, IMO.
  21. Sack tap was a regular event on my cross country team in high school. one guy had another lean over the bus seat and put his weight into one. spent the entire 20 min ride back to school in the aisle of the bus gripping his balls. this evolved into the sprinting ass-smash. much less painful, but still just as fun.
  22. USA and Spain, in no particular order. Being a Barca fan, I know a lot more of the spanish national team than the US national team actually. Spanish national team is practically the all star team anyway. Viva Espana!
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