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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. check the .380 shells thread. i posted a link there.
  2. all i read is "Nerds and liberals are so amazed when they finally nail one girl in their lifetime that they hold on for dear life."
  3. manuals FTW! i've wondered about this too. the timing and "big deal" factor couldn't be more spot on to help ensure obama's bailout of american automakers is effective.
  4. That's why i like my old cars without all these fancy computerized braking systems, just hydraulic fluid in a brake line. Plus my engine is probably too weak to overcome the brakes anyway so brakes win! Safety in simplicity?
  5. lol, i always wanted to find a way to take my boxer for a ride.
  6. elementary school dropout? my mom teaches 7th grade english and their papers are worse than this. This is more likely a modern day high school student or graduate. the sad state of english in our world.
  7. Just to prove you wrong, i declare tomorrow "National Shoot Eagles Day"
  8. I just saw this on the news now: turns out harley-davidson is issuing recalls for all their motorcycles. turns out NHTSA is investigating tens of thousands of customer claims that they hardly steer, brake or accelerate. buh zing!
  9. wrong conspiracy. it's the obama administration desperately trying to ensure their Big Auto bailout succeeds launching a plethora of investigations into foreign automakers safety.
  10. you're incorrect sir, it's the schools job to raise your kids. just ask any teacher.
  11. lolz, i have 27 processes with my antivirus and firefox running. so 25 at start up. i'm pretty religious with my HDD formatting
  12. srsly, if you guys havent used ccleaner before, you ought to. i've run it on work, home, friends computers and usually frees 1.0-1.5 GBs of space. definitely speeds things up too.
  13. 9mm is a lot cheaper. hopefully once this ammo draught slows/ends more manufacturers will start making .380 in larger quantities.
  14. 78!? what OS? XP/Vista/7?
  15. download ccleaner: www.ccleaner.com run the cleaner with all the options selected, run the registry cleaner, use the tools section to see what loads at start up and delete anything that doesnt have something to do with antivirus stuff. saves computer's lives. out of curiousity, how many processes does it say are running when you CTRL+ALT+DEL the compy?
  16. i know most of you dont care that much for .380, but i just got back from VRA and they have blazer aluminum ($17), blazer brass ($20?), and independence ($18) .380 auto in stock.
  17. if you're looking to free up some space in general as well, ccleaner is sweet.
  18. Dont get me wrong, i like NO-X too, but only if it's on a big sale. $30-some dollars for a months supply of your "creatine" vs. buying something like CreaForm (creatine monohydrate) gets you 3 months for about $15. add a caffeine tablet and you're set. But for now, they need to EAT EAT EAT! and workout smartly. http://www.ast-ss.com/maxot.php the best results will come from smart diet planning and workout. and stupid underline is stuck on and wont go away....
  19. no, but they do make the new PPS, which is actually slightly smaller in 9mm and .40 S&W (which is likely the reason they made this in .380 auto only). but it's 2x the cost. if i ever get serious about conceal carry and have an extra $600 lying around, i might look into it down the road. and the mag release may be less likely to be found if you've never shot the gun before, in which case you probably shouldnt have it in a life/death scenario anyway. if you've handled it for any time at all, why would you ever have trouble finding something on your own gun? especially if you're like me and this is the only magazine release you've ever known. i actually think it's faster/as fast to operate too as you can release the mag in one motion sliding your index finger or thumb downward as it's ambidextrous. also, i dont think these are pocket carry guns. they're in the glock 26 size group, but much slimmer which should make them more comfortable for IWB carry.
  20. i like the paddle mag release and i like their rationale for making it that way: their paddle is less likely to be flipped while carrying than a most buttons are to be pushed. if you liked the P22, then you should really like the PK380, essentially same size in a larger caliber.
  21. creatine also = amino acid. personally, i never noticed any stomach issues, but then again, i always mixed it in with my protein shakes, so something always went in my stomach with it.
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