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Everything posted by balaormiga

  1. Wow! My wife actually approved my getting a Lotus! What a rare turn of events. Usually I just make up my mind, pick the right time to make teh purchase... like when she is out of town... and then go for it. She caught me looking at them on E-Bay. Said she'd rather I got a Lotus than a Solstice or Corvette. Hmmmm... not sure what she was drinking before the conversation..whatever it was I'm going to have to stock up on it.
  2. Not sure what I would do if laid off. Been gainfully employed non-stop since 1980, though not the same company. First Procter & Gamble and then GE. The trick is to always look for ways to make yourself more valuable to the company. If they can hire someone off the street into your position you need to increase your education either internally or externally. Though that is not to say I am not constantly stressed over the possibility given the extent of this recession. Ooops I got off track weren't we talking about someone's mother?
  3. Exactly.. I'm paranoid leaving my bike anywhere I can't see it. Too many idiots!
  4. Are you sure there isn't some fine print that says free but you have to pay shipping and handling? That is a popular scam.
  5. Exactly I was agreeing that NOT GUILTY was the way to go
  6. I think I'll go ahead and order one of these.
  7. Welcome - There are a few of us "more mature" types on this board. Though I find by not removing my helmet at events no one can tell my age.... my state of mind on the other hand....
  8. You have one as well? Hmmm.. I'll definitely have to try one. I'm a bit stocky so I'll have to decide what size to try.
  9. I must say.. I had hoped it would go that way. Just didn't seem right any other way.
  10. I've been seriously considering this. Another alternative: http://www.activeprogear.com/234.html I agree with the cant. It would seem by not having one it would be more difficult to draw.
  11. You want a racial mix? You should check out my family. We have a bit of everything short of extraterrestrial. We may have some of that.. just no one wants to fess up.
  12. I've been reading about it. The asphalt junkies run that route. A bit radical for me but I plan on doing a Sunday with them.
  13. Sounds like you have some latino blood somewhere along the line
  14. Haven't had the chance to venture into KY yet since I picked this bike up mid last year. I plan on it very soon though.
  15. yeah.. I live in Amelia just over the river from Kentucky. Bala ---> Bullet (h)ormiga----> Ant A very large painful (Like bullet) ant from Costa Rica. They have them on display at the Cincy Zoo. I worked the insectarium there for a while.
  16. we're still on subject...have at it
  17. Nope... just an illusion... LOL I've been thinking I should change that but then Nick went and started changing his name around .. so I decided to wait..didn't want to confuse too many people... Haven't been able to find a helmeted rider on a turtle Actually I'm not too bad when I know the roads.
  18. The rear is reserved for me, and my trusty binoculars, should I ever decide to ride an hour and a half just to meet and ride.. LOL
  19. Hey not true.... I just said being poor is not an excuse for not getting a CCW. If you don't want one or think you need one... just say so but no excuses.<---- I think I'm stepping into this one LOL
  20. Here's mine.. hmmm.. how do you insert a large image?? crap I'll need a URL or you'll never see the stickers
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