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Everything posted by balaormiga

  1. It describes the age long competition of science versus religion. Scientists like Leonardo Da Vinci, while attempting to appease the church, often delved into areas forbidden by the Vatican etc. Many scientists of that era walked a thin line. Subsequently they formed a secret organization whose purpose was to advocate science despite the Catholic Church. Some members were actually within the Catholic Heirarchy, though it was kept secret. In Angels and Demons, the competition between the 2 comes to a head... the movie has a significant amount of factual basis..
  2. Tom's character in the book is not a "bad ass" either.
  3. I've read both books. I have yet to see a movie translation where they remain true to the book. Just not enough time. I don't mind leaving some out but it annoys me when they change characters, deatils etc to try and appeal to a broader audience. I'm going to see it next week - morning showings are $5
  4. It seems much more serious than I had originally thought. Do we know anymore as to how and what happened? What protective equipment did he have on? I'm just asking so I can learn from his experience. I pray he recovers quickly.
  5. Hmmm.. this may be possible.
  6. I prefer Costa Ricans myself. So I married one.
  7. I've been trying to drag my wife into a Hooters for years. Just to show her it was no big deal when my friends invite us to go eat. She finally went with me on a UFC fight night. She was easily the best looking girl there.. now she has no issues with eating there. LOL Most of them are nothing to look at. Hmm... that's not nice.. I should say they are pretty average looking.
  8. He should watch E-bay. here is an awesome looking bike. The auction will have ended by the time you see this but there are plenty more given the state of the economy. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130305330091&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&viewitem=
  9. gee whiz - That's an awesome price. I think I pay almost $35/mo Hmmm... I'll have to give that some thought. I'll need to do some research on them.
  10. Wow - this is one nice paint job. Generally bikes that are re-painted shout "previously wrecked". This one looks like a high class factory job. I really like it.
  11. Obsession with Naked women originated with Adam and Eve or if you prefer something a little more Darwin... picture 2 amoebas... LOL
  12. balaormiga

    New Guy

    Welcome - Your choice of bike is questionable - though it definitely indicates a high level of intelligence:D
  13. I'm starting to like those RC-51's more and more.
  14. He crashed on purpose. He lost a bet with her on their wedding night.
  15. I fail to see how Bush had anything to do with this. It is a "Grant". The government has been giving out grants for stupid research for decades.
  16. Well you are not alone. My company enacted almost identical actions! I was not let go fortunately. However, stewing for 24 hours is nothing. My brother was told a month in advance...
  17. I hope you didn't mean you intended to blow past the other drivers when the light changed....
  18. Waist proportions aside this dude looks BIG. He makes that ZX-12R look like a 600.
  19. Just goes to show money will motivate people to do and sell anything ...regardless of the possible consequences. Let's just sit back and wait for the first lawsuit when someone stubs their toe.
  20. They pawned their good shoes to buy the bike.
  21. I find not answering increases the sensitivity of the opener so it responds to the sound of my motor even farther away then the nearest corner!
  22. I have a newer version. I only have rev the motor at the corner before actually approaching the driveway and the door opens! On the downside it has a defect in that the system calls my cell while I'm out riding requesting updates on my arrival.
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