Quote: "I love how people take pictures of their bikes like they are their children...but, I guess this is coming from a mother of three so what do you expect ":smile:. I guess I could post pictures of my cats like so many umarried women I know...but then this is "ohioriders". or my dog.. or my gun like a lot of guys do on this board... I just prefer not to post pics of my daughter given the state of the world.
Hmmm.. let me think about that for a moment...nahhh.. can't see how I'd benefit from that arrangement... If I win the lottery I promise to sponsor you though.
I would but between dropping my wife off for a social gathering, taking my daughter to a movie and scrounging around for ammo for my CCW classes this week... Perhaps Next week.
Yea. The shirt looks cool but in an emergency you'd have to strip first.You're vulnerable during that time period. Though I'm curious enough to consider it. I think I'll go shoulder holster or IWB as well.
If this occurred about 11 P.M how could the driver not see headlights coming at her?? They always blame the motorcyclist first. Idiot drivers turn left in front of me on a regular basis around here whther I'm in my car or on my bike. I always ride with my eyes scanning everyone at intersections.
Anyone else from my part of town ( Amelia, Batavia, Milford, Anderson) going? If so we can meet somewhere and then ride up to 35. Otherwise it looks like I may be riding up to 35 Hidy Honda alone. Though if rain is in the forecast I'm out.
Look on the bright side. Someone would have to purchase that shirt to burn it. When I was in business and you said you wanted one of my shirts to burn.. I would have said, "how many?" - as long as I was making a profit. Just my 2 cents. P.S. When your shirts get some more color in them I'll take one.. Like reaperwear or wicked Metal. Same goes for Ohio Riders. Though I think I'll send for one of the Ohio Rider Stickers. Do you have any in white? My windscreen is tinted!!
Okay. In Spanish: Bala= Bullet (h)Ormiga = Ant .....I left the H off by accident but left it that way. so = Bullet Ant - a very large Costa Rican Ant with a vicious bite and sting. I'm into entomology what can I say. Large, vicious but nonetheless still an ant which pretty much describes my riding abilities LOL
Well unlike some guys I prefer to get a map to where we are going so when you leave me behind I can catch up by the 2nd beer. I refuse to ride over my head.
Yeah. That's why I broke down and bought a pair of Sidi Vertigo boots. However, they have little to no soles compared to my hiking boots and now I have even more of a problem touching the ground at traffic lights! It sucks being short!!
Guys- Can we just end this? I was a member of a car site called cincystreetscene.com when I had my Mr2 turbo. They spent more time using foul language and knocking any and everyone that I just quit logging on. This site was a breath of fresh air when I found it. Everyone seemed genuinely concerned with the sport and the welfare of everyone participating.