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Posts posted by blacktalon606

  1. oh shes is but i was thinking about having her ride without tellin the rents but if something were to happen i just dont wanna lose their trust

    You would definatly lose their trust... and you would get sued. You do realize that the parents of a minor can sue your ass without the help of their daughter if ANYTHING were to happen to her right?

  2. my girlfriends parents wont let her ride with me. i told them that i feel i have enough experience to have ride but they say they see how i drive. whats the best way to persuade her rents to ride on my bike?

    No offense bro... but if your girlfriend still has to "ask her parents" what she is allowed to do, she has no business on your bike... and you probably have no business driving her around even if they did "let her." If you "feel you have enough experience" chances are, your wrong. Wait till you have ridden for a few years on the street before you go adding passengers. Just my .02

  3. Went out this Thursday and failed. Got 11 points on the cone swerve section. Trying again on the 14th.

    Practice before you go. I went to Meijer's parking lot and practiced my U turns and swerving. It's not hard after a few tried.

  4. OH SNAP! You've been served!

    OH SNAP! Now... it's on!

    Bring your crew tonight... unless your scared! We are gonna watch JRMMi's boys dance like a buncha faggots and show me up tonight once and for all! It should be fairly interesting though. He doesn’t believe the fact that gravity exists, because he once read a post on wikipedia that said it didn't, so these days he feels he can fly. I have tied to present him with some facts about gravity to change his mind... but he simply ignores them because I didn't provide proper citations for common knowledge. :popcorn:

  5. You dumb mother fuckers, I can't believe you fucks are still dicussing this bullshit. you mother fuckers owe me the last fucking 30 secs I fuckin wasted looking at this thread and typing up this damn response. Fuck!

    Here dude... I'll give you the 15 seconds you spent reading... but the 15 seconds you spent typing is all on you. lol.


    Happy now? :D

  6. hard part with the .50 is it's still $5 a shot and nobody makes a match grade round for it. The .50 was intended for anti-artillery whereas the .308 and .338 are intended for anti-personnel. There may be more momentum carried by the .50, but it is not as consistently accurate as the others at long range. It sounds fun, but also way too much gun.

    My other problem is the availability of this type of firearm. Most have been back-ordered 12 or more months. The to I listed are immediately available for me to take home. I looked at a kimber 8400 tactical previously, but it's no longer available.

    There is a Barrett 99 on gunbroker in .416 right now. ;) And... match grade become cheaper with a reloading press. .338 isn't cheap to shoot either but Barrett does make a match grade slug.

  7. I have read many very good things about the sako... but if it were me... for the money I would go with one of the 50's. You can have an ultramag for less than the sako and have extended range and a punch. Barrett's new .416 is really where the cake is at though. I have seen the 99 chambered in .416 for about 3k and the projectile is supersonic beyond 2500 yards giving it greatly increased stability to 7500 feet.

  8. I wouldn't mind having abs. It might be a good idea to have the ability to turn it off like most high end cars do with their traction control... but you can never have to many helping hands. Other than nostalgia... what good reason is there not to have it? Cruise control doesn't make up for a lack of driving skill either, but I like having that on my car just the same. Options are good things in my opinion.

  9. How the fuck do you get "the whole world needs to change to support my delicate sensibilities" bullshit out of what I said?

    Can you answer the question? How does allowing someone to self moderate what they read change your experience at all?

    I did. The idea, that adults need a filter option so that other adults aren't offended by adult language is, "changing the world to support delicate sensibilities." It doesn't change my viewing experience at all. It changes society, as yet another outlet crumples to the PC police. Sure... it starts out with a voluntary filter, and next thing you know the FCC is up your ass. Whether this happens or not is up to the owners and controlers of this site... but Casper asked for my opinion, and that is it.

  10. Just curious guys....

    If it's left up to the individual user whether or not they "see" the vulgarity, how does it affect you?

    You can still swear, talk shit, whatever you want. Your internet experience isn't hampered in any way shape or form.

    I get tired of the pussy "the whole world needs to change to support my delicate sensibilities" bullshit. Most people use vulgar words of some sort, so why CHANGE something so they don't have see it? You can't turn on a TV these days without hearing the word shit, hell or damn. The only "taboo" word is fuck... and if you have cable, even that isn't taboo... so why cater to them?

  11. The thing about legalization that worries me is that there's the possibility that the government stuff wont be as good as the stuff we've got now...


    The CIA invented LSD.

    Docs invinted morphine and all the other good opiates.

    If drugs were legal, there would be no reason to half ass or cut it. They could sell a more pure product because there would be fewer bribes to pass out and fewer small people in the loop. FDA approved 100% pure cocane. They already produce small amounts for lab reserach... so why not step up? It would be cheap, it would be clean, and it would be way more certain than the shit you buy on the street mixed with Ajax and baking soda and whatever else.

  12. lol are you going to throw it? or run up on them?

    You charge and stick. A grown man with a knife can cover 21' in less time than you can draw and fire. This is dependent on you having your knife at the ready... and the gun weilder not already pointing it at you. Closer is better of course. Also, a sharp knife will go through kevlar body armor. So... if your at 6'... and he has it pointed elsewhere... chances are good that you can get in close and hit something vital before he can get on target and squeeze. Any kinda firearms traning that is worth a shit teaches you to create distance between you and yoru target, and this is the reason. Distance gives you time and options. At range... the gun is obviously going to win... but in close... it's not always the best. It may be the best for most people though... as most people don't care to recieve training in the proper use of a blade. If you don't know how to use it... your way better off not to try to use it. You will just get yourself killed.

  13. :lol: I hate that chick

    Me to brother... but you can't say things like that. You MUST respect any woman who has had 80 fingers in her at once. This requiement is detailed in a new bill just signed into law. The, "respect stupid whores" law. Congress has been working hard on this issue for quite some time and have just now finally tackeled this hard hitting issue. Thank god!

  14. The water is flamable when lit. So... don't light it. lol. Seems simple enough to me... but maybe not. I guess it might be a problem if you decided to shower and you were a real hotty... but otherwise you would be fine. haha

  15. agreed......... my issue lies with certain jobs still need to be drug free. i drive a petroleum tanker and i really can say i dont want some jackass being able to hit the open road in one of these bombs!!

    I said it should be legal. I didn't say you had a right to have any job you want. As adults we all make decisions, and we are supposed to live with the consequences that those decisions may bring about. While snorting coke may not require a jail term if federally legalized... that doesn't mean you not going to be randomly drug tested to be a petroleum tanker driver. I also wouldn't want my surgeon to be stoned out of his goard. Ya know... common sense would pretty much dictate what you could and could not do as a stoner... and that wouldn't really be a change. Currently... some jobs drug test and some don't. Stoners seek out jobs that dont'... and they would continue to do as much. Nothing new or unusual there... we just wouldn't be spending billions to lock people up for having 20 rocks of crack anymore. This tactic would also eleminate street level dealing. If the government produced it legally... there would be no more need to pay for bribes, no more need to pay for guns to shoot boarder guards... no more shipments lost in transite... so the government could produce it uber cheap and undercut anyone else in the business. Supply and demand would put the cartels out of business over night and put billions back into the governments pocket. Damn... for once the government would be able to spend money THEY MADE to instead of our tax dollars. Legal or not... i'm not going to put that shit in my body. I don't do drugs because I choose not to... and I have high aspirations from my life... but hey... to the fucktards out there... have at it. Snort your way to nirvana.

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