LOL not even close I don't HATE it but it is NOT my dream house. Luckily a hail storm jacked my metal siding and roof so that is new within the past 18 months but the inside while redone wasn't done right so I need to redo carpet, paint, bathrooms, and kitchen just to make it able to be sold or attractive to a potential renter. I'm figuring doing the work myself as much as possible will still run me 40K or so. It is in a development with neighbors closer than I'd like but I bought what I could afford and of the 60 homes I looked at this was the best deal at the time. I live around DC though so our market might recover faster then some areas. It does hurt and is one of the reasons I'm in Afghanistan as a contractor for 18 months so I could get rid of all debt but my home. I'll come home with only a mortgage and be able to hopefully knock it down some with a quickness so I can get out of it or at least use it as a rental to move into someplace else. I want to be like Tim 42 and own my home or at least have a SMALL payment on the second home or a vacation home.
I hear you on it setting your goals back I'm there also but I'm still sucking it up and waiting it out, as I'm not ready to move right now anyway so it wouldn't make sense to take the loss right now. I hope within 2 years I'll be ahead and within 5 I'll either be out or using it as a rental. I'm also like you been through lay offs and etc so I'm more stingy with my money and invest more then most people my age so that I don't have to struggle in the future.