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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I have full on my bike and Scion but liability only on the GMC. For me its when I think the car is worth so little that I might end up junking it instead of fixing it. I COULD drop full off my cars as all are paid off but you just never know. I don't think it would save me a lot either so why bother.
  2. Cheaper then iPad, more free apps runs Android and not apple iOS.
  3. cafe Press has cheap quality stuff really....a local business would likely have a better selection.
  4. They need better tracking that is useful.
  5. Only way to get things on a mil base overseas.....typically so I use them a lot recently. When I'm stateside though I rarely use them.
  6. No offense but this is the issue with America and that's what got us into this mess we're in now people trying to live above their means. You're opening a new business you have no reason to be going into debt getting a newer car just because you're tired of driving old cars. You're lucky you have a car. I don't mean to come off as rude but frankly its what you need to hear. Either fix the van or sell it on CL and buy something that you can get for cash that is a little newer and has some life left in it.
  7. I have a hoover GUV (garage utility vac) and I love that thing it has a 30' hose on it so you can clean the floor of the garage with it as well.
  8. Yeah this close to xmas you're going to either be lucky or not finding exactly what you want! I've used them before but I spent more then you want to and I was happy with the place we got.
  9. Have you looked on http://www.VRBO.com for rentals around that timeframe? I've user the site in the past with success.
  10. Nice car, didn't know the autos could hold power....If only it had another interior color.
  11. Sometimes being persistent even though we feel it shouldn't be necessary is needed. That irks me to hell though with Amazon, I get things in my cart all excited only to choose my address over here in Afghanistan to have half the order not being able to be shipped over here argh! Had myself a similar experience with 1800 flowers and had a more then generous correction from them when it was their shipper (UPS) who messed up.
  12. Definitely varies state to state. In Maryland they just hook up the scanner to the OBD2 port and test the gas cap, they don't put it on rollers (they took them all out after many cars got damaged). For older then 96 model year you get the sniffer in the tailpipe and testing of the gas cap. I've yet to have them even look under my cars with a mirror. All mine are legal so no worry if they did but I've not owned a fast car since I started doing emissions. I see corvettes and mustangs there when I go and never seen them look under either.
  13. I wish I had forced air heat, for some reason it isn't popular here in MD which sucks in cold months of winter and my electric bill soars to $400 and sometimes $500. I keep my house at 66 when sleeping and not home and 68-70 when I'm home and around.
  14. It is the right thing to do as a parent of a child who broke something of yours. Hell most parents these days would have denied it or worse so take the check and replace the backboard.
  15. Whether he meant to do it or not is not the issue, he did it and he needs to pay for it. Your lawn needs mowed I'm sure there are some household things he can do to pay for it even if his parents don't understand English. The fact is they know they are supposed to ask and he did it anyway causing damage to your property, he needs to pay for it not just apologize. You have no income as you said and it is $400 you don't have to spend on the item, I'd leave it broke personally that way ALL the kids learn what respect means. My $0.02
  16. Are M3's not horrible in snow? The 325ci my g/f has sucks in the snow I hate driving it in snow.
  17. I hate electric heat but gas isn't common where I live so I'm stuck with it and the $400+ bills in the wintertime that come with it
  18. People who use GV don't port a number to it; it was really helpful back when cell companies didn't port numbers like they do now. People used their GV number as their cell number that way it never changed even if they swapped carriers. People would call your GV number and your cell would ring on ATT, Verizon, Sprint, T Mobile etc.. Also is nice when overseas to have GV and a iPhone or smartphone with GV on it bc you can make free calls back to the US if needed. I have it on my iPod touch and am going to take it to Europe with me so when I'm on wifi if I need to I can call stateside.
  19. Why didn't VZW make it global....idiots!
  20. I have none of those either but it just isn't the time because I want it in the garage.....I'll have one in a few years and maybe step up to the ZR1 even.
  21. I want one of these badly but no garage space for it and other things that could better use the money that one costs have won......for now.
  22. Did a storm come through recently? I had one come through my neighborhood and there were plenty of them knocking on my door or leaving crap on my mailbox/door wanting business. If a storm rolled through I would not be surprised that this happened. After the company I wanted to do the work evaluated my house State Farm then sent out a rep to inspect it as well and only then was it signed off on and the work was started.
  23. This also should've been discussed well before you ever got married. Maybe I'm not getting it or something but why on earth people do not discuss these IMPORTANT items BEFORE getting married is beyond me. You're either open to it or not I really don't see an in between. Sure kids take up a lot of time/money and if you're mindset is you you you (which deriving from your posts it is) then kids and a wife will likely never be your "motto". You say money this money that. Like Kirk said sure it makes life easier but it isn't the end all be all. I'm making well into the 6 figures at my current job and I loathe it, if I got a job making less but enough to support myself tomorrow I would take it that is how much I hate it. For me money doesn't make me want to do something; sure I have goals and I'll meet them but some of those goals are WANTS and not NEEDS so if I don't meet them I will still feel absolutely complete. Money brings out people to flock and "follow" you but you rarely have any TRUE friends...people are around you because they want to be you or they know you'll pay usually. I see it happen all the time. Money makes life easier but it isn't everything plain and simple. Sounds to me like you're questioning all the things you should have questioned before making a lifelong commitment to someone else. I think the reason people think you're gloating is the nature of your posts come across that way, its all about the presentation.
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