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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I have the same car and don't have any rust in that spot....interesting.
  2. That is a nice looking truck....did you paint it yourself or have someone do it?
  3. Best bet is to take it to a shop....clifford auto and have them fix it, I can't imagine it being pricy.
  4. If one side is double deep then that would be deeper than 21' wouldn't it? I mean an average two car is 24' deep.
  5. Joe have you thought about building a shelter for it that isn't ugly on the eyes? Ultimately I know a second garage is in store and you'd keep it in there. As long as you wax it you should be ok keeping it outside I mean it is a boat and look how many mansions on the water are out in all the elements and still look nice....all about the upkeep. What about a trailer with a fold away tongue? I would prefer anything I own to be inside but if it isn't possible I would take the necessary measures to ensure it will hold its shine for years. A good wax and boat cover should do that, and if you can a structure over top would work even better.
  6. I know most bikes have dual front rotors....why do you only have one? The paint job looks sick even if I'm not huge on the stretched aspect of it!
  7. Purolator filters Mobil one in my car Syntec in my truck Rotella in my bike.
  8. What real world mileage are you seeing? Also what is the transmission like? I can't find a lot of info on the 7 speed.....I am guessing it has paddle shifters or similar? A co worker has an 07 and I HATE the knob for the navi is it the same in yours or have they got a clue and gone touchscreen?
  9. Jones nice car....are people liking the SC V6 over the 8?
  10. Is that even luan? I was under the impression that luan was alot thinner than what is in the pics? That looks like a different type of board.....but not sure why they put that down for linoleum I've just laid it on top of the plywood subfloor. And yes to do tile RIGHT you need to pull the trim.
  11. Another decent beater that is fun is the older Sentra SE-R's
  12. I have a crawl now and hate it....wish I went with either a slab or a basement. It feels more flimsy on the floors to me with the crawl and I like how my parents home first floor feels with the full basement. The only benefit of a crawl is that it makes running wires easier and that you can easily repair water lines, same with a full basement but if you have a slab potentially you could have lines in your slab and when they break bad news.
  13. I rode for 70 miles last night it was awesome...I always love cracking that right wrist!
  14. What is the stock HP of your ski? 300HP on a ski is insane jesus!
  15. I think either cooking a meal together or cooking a meal for her would trump taking her out somewhere but that's me and I actually like to cook. Plan a menu salad, main course dessert and a nice wine to make the meal better and sure fire winner IMO. Some gifts won't hurt but making her something would go a lot further.
  16. I have a 95 Sierra 5L with around 186K on it that I would tow pretty much anywhere with.
  17. I have a house built in 1984 which is 1996sqft and my bill last month was $410....have not gotten this month yet but I'm hoping it is less! Heat pumps where it gets cold are a joke and I'm not sure why they put them in!
  18. Eat good feel good Eat like shit feel like shit no matter the age period! I try to eat mostly healthy but cheat here and there and obviously feel worse after the fact. I need to get into a regular routine and cut out more crap from my diet. I won't be skinny forever...
  19. I like the one you own currently more breaks up the colors a bit.
  20. Are you getting email updates or is there an app for that? Or is your salesguy keeping you updated?
  21. Since you and a few others here seem to be wise and hip on models, care to point out a few? I'd like the fave to be no more than 1.5" as I don't want it overtaking my arm/wrist. I've been looking on that watchdoddy site but nothing has struck me yet.
  22. I'm not a huge fan of the seemingly large watch faces that seem to be hip as of late. That being said what would be a decent well built sub $300 watch? I have a fossil now but it is just worn and haggard looking.
  23. Old Town is very nice and wonderful for walks along the water with the wife for that romantic side of you.
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