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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. call and schedule your appointment now....i heard theres a few month wait on even submitting your paperwork right now....sure the turn around time is quick, but you still have to schedule an appointment....you cant just show up and turn stuff in
  2. I'm a big Mobil 1 fan... It's all I run in cages... I didn't like the t6 in my powerstroke as much as the Mobil 1 TDT... but TDT isn't jaso rated for bikes, so I gave the t6 a shot
  3. I use it. Derek says it sucks and that's why my cct makes noise after a thousand miles on clean oil..... Going to buy into the amsoil hype on my next change, and if the sound returns, I'll be switching back to the t6 From what I hear, vfrs are notorious for the cct noise no matter what, but I'm going to give the amsoil a try When I put the t6 in, I noticed that it runs much quieter and shifts so much smoother than whatever was in it before... I'm happy with it
  4. Day 12...just took them out.. Noticed they were really loose and not doing anything anymore.. So I put some neosporin on them and snipped the loops with nail clippers and pulled them out.. Slid right out, didn't even feel it.. Definitely not as bad as expected lol
  5. No forced entry, but they had a judge on standby to write warrants for houses that refuse... So pretty much forced
  6. price didnt seem too awful? book is 3k, and he was offered 1700 on trade in....its listed at 2600, but i think 2200 is the lowest hes willing to go....maybe ill try to talk him to 2k, but its a close friend of hers, so i dont wanna beat him up too bad lol
  7. its a 500, not a 600....im not worried about her going too fast, she seems to have a decent head on her shoulders and i dont think she will overdue it when shes learning....but at the same time, people in AZ all drive so fast on the highways, i like the idea of a 500 better than a 250 becasue it has a little more power to help with highway speeds, and i feel like she wont outgrow it as fast as a 250
  8. on a serious note.....if youve only been riding 2 months, i would actually suggest not going on the epic ride....i would avoid large group rides until youre more comfortable and have more seat time... not to say anything negative about the current riders, but the group that seems to hit hocking all the time lately, seem to always have wrecks...i dont think a new rider should put themself in that position.....i would wait until you get more seat time, but thats just me... i pretty much avoid large group rides for that reason myself....i dont like riding in a group larger than 4-5, and even then, i prefer to ride with people i know and am confident riding with/around......theres no reason for someone to wreck on every OR group ride, but it seems to be the trend lately...
  9. OK, the gf wants to get a bike....shes looking at a 2006 ninja 500r ...1100 miles, not perfect but well maintained.... $2200.....seem like a fair deal? would this be a good bike for her to learn and begin on? shes never rode a bike before, just been a passenger with me....i would be teaching her from the start, and she will take the MSF class in arizona asap (its $240 out there ) anybody have any opinions on these? im assuming theyre good bikes...but everyone always says to start on a 250....but it seems like a good deal to me, and i think she would get bored of the 250 pretty quickly
  10. :bukkake::sexytime::takeit::wackit::sheepfucker: welcome
  11. Inb4 someone links that gross pic of his ballsack...
  12. I've had to inform twice... Nothing different than a normal traffic stop... Guess I got lucky Although, my ex gf did get approached by police with their guns drawn when she got stopped in my truck... Guess it just depends on the cop
  13. I agree with you in most situations. But going on a hike in an area with deadly animals and taking along a long gun for protection, doesn't fall under attention whoring in my book. If it had been a shotgun or a bolt action rifle, there wouldn't have been an issue. I trust an AR15 against a mountain lion more than I trust a sidearm.
  14. Since when is open carrying considered abusing your rights?? Omg.. You're killing me... I have to get out of this thread to keep my sanity... It's like I'm talking to feinsteins son or something.... Whatever floats your boat guy, go ahead and give up your rights, I'll keep mine.
  15. Do what ifs even matter? He wasn't in a busy city. Not sure Wtf you're trying to prove? I didn't say nobody is guilty of it, I said this guy obviously wasn't prancing around a busy city looking for attention. He was on a hike minding his own business with his son.
  16. Only when asked for identification. If the cop had no legal means to check the guys id, I wouldn't think there is a duty to inform.... I don't know their exact laws, just what I've gathered from a quick search Regardless, he wasn't charged for not informing, so the issue is pretty moot at this point "Sec. 411.205. REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY LICENSE. If a license holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the department and the license holder's handgun license."
  17. Thanks Todd! I'm going to wait 14 days and pull them out.
  18. Easy to be calm when you and your group of friends have all the power... Easy to get emotional when you're a law abiding citizen being harassed and detained by cops with ignorance and/or disregard for the law they're sworn to uphold.
  19. Someone's been watching Breaking Bad...
  20. He wasn't walking around a busy city trying to draw attention... He was on a rural hike in an area he claims to have coyotes and mountain lions... Not unreasonable to carry a weapon for protection. Plus, it doesn't matter what people's reactions might be... He didn't break a law Your train of thought is exactly the problem in this country right now. Your last comment is absurd... "open carrying a semi automatic rifle, that could easily blow down a group of people"..... Umm.... Handguns can kill people too... They also have the same rate of fire (hence being semi auto).... You can also blow down a group of people with a car.. Guess those need banned too.... FFS.... I don't understand how citizens of this country are so ready to piss away their rights and freedoms for political correctness and protecting people's feelings
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