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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Ok switched to mobile view and I think it's working now I ordered stuff and waited a week and never got a confirmation of my order or total. Called and was told by receptionist that the sales rep forgot to place the order. Fine. She places order. Then wait a few more days for my stuff to show up there so they can ship to me. Call back and she tells me that eibach didn't send it... Wait a few more days. After almost 3wks my stuff arrives and the parts are wrong. It was an error in their computer, not on my end. So I call and ask for right parts sent to me with prepaid return shipping label for old parts. They argue with me about the order wanting to recharge me for proper parts and refund me when wrong parts return. Finally get them to agree to just send the right stuff and not double charge me. Then have to argue over the shipping label. They wanted me to pay return shipping. No fucking way. Finally they agree. After about 2 months of bs, I have all my parts and it's all good. Then a month later I get billed for the spring because they claimed it was never sent back. Called and talked to receptionist and she found the paperwork. The sales rep never processed it as returned. Most frustrating order experience of my life.. Will avoid them at all costs in the future. I called all the time and left voice mails and stuff and got the run around and no calls back etc etc... The receptionist was the only person who gave a shit and actually helped me... She would answer "thanks for calling racetech. How may I direct your call?" and I would tell her she's the only one I will speak with It was fucking ridiculous. Bike rides nice though, and Hoblick didn't fuck me for having to do double the labor because the parts weren't right (thanks again btw) Never again will I order parts from them. Or if I do, I will drive there and pick them up and make a weekend at the beach out of it.
  2. velocity is covering it again
  3. i is that the receptionist? whoever answers the phone when you call is the only person in that company worth ordering from..once i figure out why my phone keyboard is showing up weird here, ill post my exp with racetech...what a fucking joke..awful customer service
  4. disagree. ive seen people shooting these in person, with at least one failure per magazine. thats nowhere close to going bang every time, "just as much or better" than many other manufacturers.... ive had one FTE from my HK in over a thousand rounds (probably from limp-wristing, since it was shortly after i bought it and started learning to shoot)....read some torture tests on HK, sig, glock, etc and you will realize how durable they are....you get what you pay for with firearms (to an extent, obviously)
  5. same ones i used....they are decent quality...they seemed fairly well made, they didnt come loose or anything...i was very happy with them....however, they are not very durable. i got off the bike at school once and my bookbag (pretty heavy bag) slid off my shoulder and banged into one and busted it off....but at that price, you cant complain too much...i replaced that one and never had another issue
  6. And? Doesn't change how I feel about it. Any man who can't hold his own umbrella should be ashamed.
  7. Even if I did feel the need for an umbrella, which I never use, I would hold it myself. How can anybody stand around and let someone hold their umbrella for them? It's Ok for the marines to get wet but not ol Barry? If the man wants an umbrella, whatever, but he should at least hold it himself. Not find the only branch of military specifically opposed to doing it and ordering them to do so.
  8. If they really are "color guard" and only there for decoration, I don't see a problem. Unless every other branch has the same dress code as marines, which I am unaware of. No disrespect meant towards any service members. I think the notion of having service stand around unarmed just to look pretty is outrageous in itself. We have enough problems in the world where service members could be utilized rather than decorating the white house
  9. One of the most patriotic people I've ever met grew up in Algeria... He knows what it's like to not have freedom and appreciates it here more than most who are born here He came here legally and worked to earn citizenship. The people who are a problem are all these fucking hajis that the government is bringing in from Kenya and Somalia who would rather spit on this country and abuse it than contribute... Don't pay taxes, get everything free and handed to them.... They aren't immigrants, they are parasites.
  10. It's about breaking tradition, not the fact that they had to hold a 1lb object for a few minutes. He could have had anybody else hold the umbrellas instead of the only group of people who have a reason not to. White house secretary, intern, secret service, volunteer, any other branch, etc etc.... Whether or not he chose marines out of disrespect or not, he still caused them to break marine tradition and that's where the problem is.. Marines don't hold umbrellas, so why make these two? Furthermore, I agree with cooter and everyone else... Why give marines such a meaningless task when they can be utilized elsewhere? I guess benghazi happened because hillary needed some marines to paint her toe nails huh? It's ridiculous.
  11. $104 per side? Fuck that. The $30/set ones I got on ebay worked great on the vmax
  12. i put blindspot mirrors on my stock mirrors and i can see everything just fine.....my stock mirrors are long enough i guess that i can already see directly behind me....they like to look at my elbows, but some fine tuning adjustments (moving the mirror itself, and the arms) and i got past it
  13. Wrong link... That link let's people edit the listing... If I knew you a little better, I would have changed it to a m4m listing... But I'm being nice
  14. give ya $3.50, shipped.
  15. agree with shawn. everyone wants to be all lovey dovey with him, thats on yall, whatever. i still think hes a piece of shit and should fuck off. "with all due respect and shit" as shawn would say
  16. He won because the nasty ass track riders enjoyed the picture he posted of his ballsack.
  17. There's nothing wrong with complying with the police.... I would do the same. The issue is that he refused to show his ID, and the police then forced him to comply. That is where his rights were violated. People here saying he deserved what he got because he refused to cooperate are the issue. He was within his rights to refuse the request for ID, just as much as you're in the right to cooperate with them. You choosing to cooperate and him choosing not to, you're both within your right.... But FORCING him to cooperate or illegally searching and detaining him is wrong. Would I have cooperated? Depends on the cops demeanor, showing respect earns respect. Do I fault him for not? Hell no. Do I believe the cops were in the wrong? Definitely. Cooperating doesn't make you a "pussy"... But telling other people who feel differently that they deserve to have their rights violated because they stand up for themselves is what the issue is. If the cop came up and spoke to me like I was a criminal, I would definitely deny his request if it violated my rights. If he approached me like a law abiding citizen, I would cooperate and would also explain the law to educate him.... It all depends on the circumstances... Nobody is perfect It blows my mind that people can't understand why this is a rights violation though.... He didn't want to show ID and the cop had no legal reason to demand it. Period, end of story. It's not hard to understand.
  18. I like glocks, but I'm too partial to a DA/SA style trigger setup to carry one.... I regularly see new glocks selling from 450-650... I don't consider that overpriced in the slightest... It's pretty much the same as any other quality handgun unless you start talking sig, Hk, etc... I paid 600 for my gfs 9mm brand new (same price I paid for my used daily carry gun), which is a gun with a Walther frame and magnum research internals... rather spend more money on quality than cheap out on a gun I carry to protect myself... I've spent more on ammo than I have on my gun
  19. That's what I said...? As long as it's not the vehicles main role, it doesn't have to be marked, but can still perform traffic stops.
  20. yea ohio highway patrol.... or so i assumed from the appearance of the car (was on 70 between 256 and brice rd, on the east side of columbus)....it was the only police vehicle on the scene i suppose this is possible, but i would assume that to be very unlikely.....if the cop isnt assigned to any traffic duty, i wouldnt think they would be making stops for broken down cars heres the ORC "ORC 4549.13 Marking and equipment for motor vehicle used by traffic enforcement officers. Any motor vehicle used by a member of the state highway patrol or by any other peace officer, while said officer is on duty for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the motor vehicle or traffic laws of this state, provided the offense is punishable as a misdemeanor, shall be marked in some distinctive manner or color and shall be equipped with, but need not necessarily have in operation at all times, at least one flashing, oscillating, or rotating colored light mounted outside on top of the vehicle. The superintendent of the state highway patrol shall specify what constitutes such a distinctive marking or color for the state highway patrol." It was explained to me that the wording exclusive or main purpose is where the loop hole lies that allows unmarked cars to make stops in OH. If the cars main purpose is NOT traffic enforcement, but they witness a traffic violation, they would then be within the law to make a traffic stop.
  21. I've personally seen unmarked osp car make a traffic stop. It's my understanding that an unmarked car cannot be used for traffic enforcement as its primary duty, but if the car is being used for other business and the officer witnesses a traffic violation, the officer is then allowed to make a stop. The car I saw was a Malibu or impala, forget... All white, no markings or sirens, lights mounted inside the cab like they do out of state... Saw it on 70... That's what caused me to check into the legality of it
  22. Should have flapped your wings and took off lol
  23. The guy sounds like a fucking tool... Just out fucking off and trying to get an easy paycheck.... Best thing that could happen is the police following the law they're sworn to uphold, and not busting this guy's ass.... If the police hadn't violated his rights, he wouldn't have had a reason to sue, and maybe he would cut the shit and make money working like everyone else...... Yea, he's a dick... But in the end, the police violated his rights because they were either misinformed or simply didn't care
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