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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. they should have learned how to throw elbows then, huh?
  2. But what if that guy joined for the same reasons as you? Perhaps he had selfish intentions too. He sacrificed his leg, but im sure he didnt plan to. And it could happen to any person who enlists. When someone enlists, they usually dont know exactly where they will end up in the job. Losing his leg, in my mind, does not make him more courageous or more deserving of a "thank you" than you or any other marine. Sure you may not feel like you earned the thank you, but when you enlisted you didnt know it would be that way. It could have just as easily been you that lost a leg. At least thats how I see it this thread has given me a new perspective....i didnt realize that people in the armed forces were bothered by being thanked they sure dont mind when theyre at the check out counter somewhere asking if the store gives a military discount.....if they dont want anyone knowing they were in the armed forces, dont mention it, and dont expect special treatment... i usually thank people in the service, as well as police and firefighters....guess ill think twice, didnt realize so many people felt this way.....kinda mind boggling....if i was in the service, i wouldnt mind one bit if someone thanked me
  3. still no reason to get offended. nobody knows your personal story just from looking at you. people get worked up over some dumb shit......its not like theyre spitting in your face and saying fuck the marines....they simply saying thank you for enlisting and serving the country, no matter how you served or for what reason.
  4. if it was a regular case of "im moving and cant take the dog" then i would agree its wrong to consider putting it down but in this case where the dog has an illness that costs thousands of dollars a year to treat, i think its completely reasonable to consider putting it down if no home can be found for it.....im sure they didnt buy the dog assuming it would come down with this illness, not sure why he should be "ashamed of himself" i would be in the same boat....theres no way i could afford that kind of care for a dog, and i would be trying to find it a new home also, and if i couldnt, it would get put down....its better to have it put down than to let it suffer without its medication and end up dying anyways and im sure the next response will be "dont get a dog if you cant afford its care"....an incurable illness like this isnt an expected a cost when it comes to owning a dog, and i would bet a lot of people would be in the same situation....if an animal is to the point where it will cost thousands of dollars a year to keep it alive, IMO, i dont see a problem with having it put down - as sad as it may be
  5. BDB - what kind? i havent owned a snake since i was a little kid, and just picked up a guyana red tail....hes still a baby though
  6. wanna know who i thank for their service? prostitutes
  7. ive seen people quite often say they have run into water mocassins in ohio....i guess perhaps they could have them confused with northern water snakes the odnr page does mention them, saying they have been found here, but are not native to the area **edit, double checked the odnr page again, and while it does mention them, it says that is a common belief that they live here, but they actually do not....my mistake
  8. interestingly enough, water moccasins are actually not native here.....they were introduced by man to Ohio *edit - odnr says they are not found here at all....i knew they werent native, but thought we still had some
  9. i dont agree with those religions, but please note it is not a big part of their services in most cases, and is used as a way to prove your faith. it is often done as part of a baptizing ceremony, not just a weekly "heres a rattlesnake, lets fuck with it" those churches have been around for a very long time, and there have been numerous preachers killed by their snakes....i dont see any religious meaning behind that myself....you mess with venomous animals on a regular basis, youre most likely going to get bit at some point...just because the bible says you are protected, does not mean you can go step in front of a bus and not get hurt lol....you cant take everything in the bible literally, like you mentioned, there is a lot of symbolism...and i believe theres a common sense factor involved as well
  10. its not ok to own slaves? and the dietary laws were old testament....they were in place to distinguish the jews from the gentiles, saying that jews do not eat unclean meat....in the new testament in Acts 10, Peter has a vision of eating all kinds of unclean meat...he later realized, when gentiles showed up to meet him, that the vision was the Lord telling him that no man is considered unclean and that Peter should treat them all the same.....if there is no longer a distinction between the jews and the gentiles, and all are equal, then there is no need to follow the dietary laws set in place to separate the jews from the gentiles
  11. disagree. the serpent in the garden of eden was just a cloak for Satan. he is also referred to as a lion and a dragon. also, "Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." there are actual sects of Christianity that handle snakes in their churches because of this passage saying that those who believe in God will have no fear of snakes and handle them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_handling i doubt you were serious about your post, so i wont keep going into even more detail...ill just leave it that saying snakes are the devil according to the bible is highly debatable, and widely accepted as untrue.....people who have an irrational fear of snakes will find any reason to hate them, and blaming a religion is easier than taking responsibility
  12. not a single Ringo reference in this whole thread i haz a sad
  13. hes gorgeous....but he is a non-handleable pet...so just a display item....i dont like pets i cant handle....all i can do with him is watch him hunt crickets, which is neat....but eh....shoulda done more research before buying lol you want him? lol....comes with whole tank setup and everything you would need for him besides a calcium powder....but understand, he is hands off....hes about 5 inches long head to tail and moves about 200mph....if you get him out hes gone....i have to scoop him up in a cup to clean his tank, cant even catch him by hand without grabbing him (which will make him lose his tail)
  14. you got bad info. we did the "trade" thing with my girls car and another guys car, and it was fine...some little bubby bmv in the hills did it and nobody said anything....but by law, you have to put a value....call a major bmv and ask them and see what they say, perhaps its a county law or something, but ive been told this on several occasions by several bmvs in franklin county
  15. as much as he pretend to not care, i bet its killing him that he cant post on here lol...you know hes still lurking "offline"
  16. i think the reason im into snakes is because when i was little my dad bought me a ball python...we went to the reptile store to just look around since he thought i would enjoy them (i was like 7)....he ended up buying me one, but my mom gave it away after we had it a couple years to someone she worked with...ive been wanting another ever since being exposed to them at such a young age prevented me from ever really becoming afraid of them or disliking them.....but theres some animals i cant stand that people love....its all just who you are for me, birds and horses are my least favorite animals....i feel about horses and birds how most people feel about snakes and spiders lol....i dont really like spiders either though
  17. yep...i refuse to buy or keep them in my apartment....i hate them so much....and they smell awful if you get the chance to get another one, i would go for it....beardies are so simple and common, but they have so much personality...i love mine like a kid lol
  18. thats whats nice about the wood, its well insulated so i use WAY LESS electricity heating it ....in my 55g i had 150w light at one end, and 100w at the other just to keep temps right...now in the wood cage i only use 75w and its perfect, and its twice as big as the 55....and it doesnt heat up the room as much as the glass since its contained more wood is really the way to go....or one of those fancy ass $800 plastic cages...but who can afford that lol also - since beardies go through so many crickets, i found it much more economical to start a dubia roach colony....now i have plenty of feeder insects, theyre more nutritious than crickets, and they dont escape like crickets, so i can keep them in my apartment and not have to worry about finding one in my bed or something lol...(dubia roaches dont have sticky feet, so they live in a tote box and cant escape it)....and they cost me virtually nothing....$30 in supplies every 6 months or so...beats $15 a week on crickets lol talking to my cage builder about making me a 6x2 cage for the boa...itll be just like those beardie ones but two feet longer...idk where ill put it though lol...dont want it on the floor, getting the boa out will be tricky enough, let alone if i have to lay down to do it went to move him around today to move one of his hides and he was pissed....hissing like a mofo...i went and put on a mechanix glove just in case lol, didnt strike me though
  19. gotcha...yea, they suck getting started! ive got a small fortune sunk in my setup wish i was good at carpentry instead of having to pay someone to build my cages
  20. dont think my boa wishes to kill me, but i guess thats how phobias go lol....i dont like birds, and some crazy ass people let them live INSIDE their house...that shit blows my mind lol and $600 for a bearded dragon? damn son, did it have a unicorn horn on its head? lol
  21. my younger dragon (the one missing a leg in that pic) is my favorite pet still....hes so awesome, even though its a plain jane normal colored bearded dragon....his personality is great lol, hes so much fun....only pet i have that will hang out with me and watch tv and stuff without trying to hide or run away
  22. yep... my little one is growing like a monster cool video of him eating his roaches http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/SaleenSS90/?action=view&current=VID_20120606_090444.mp4 and my adult is still a cranky bitch lol....i love her anyways though she is getting quite plump....she doesnt even eat that much, but her stomach almost touches the ground lol and her feeding video http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/SaleenSS90/?action=view&current=VID_20120606_085559.mp4
  23. hater. reptiles are the best pets...well, besides geckos....i have a gecko that i dont really like....wish i could find someone to take him that would treat him right lol, but i dont know anyone, so i just keep feeding him....love my other reptiles though, especially this guy (and my young bearded dragon...hes my baby...my older one is a bitch though)
  24. agree! my fiance is terrified of them....even little 6" garden snakes....she isnt happy i got the snake, but i told her we can bring her sick outdoor cat inside if i can get the snake....so along with the snake, ill be getting a cat, but seems like a fair trade lol
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