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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. next year i think im going to be Zombie Barack Obama....get a barack mask, and then zombiefy it
  2. ahh i see now!! this makes sense....i knew an aftermarket company was doing these cars already, so to hear that Ford was doing them was a surprise....but now it makes sense that its the same company and they arent really coming from Ford theyre just endorsed by Ford...thanks for the clarity...i figured you would know all about this shit since most American cars are made by your family in Mexico
  3. i dont mind if a bike does that - but i was sitting in traffic for the fair and a fucking semi tried to pull out and pass everyone on the berm and i pulled the nose of my truck into the berm to block him....fucking guy...i dont mind bikes passing between lanes, but when cars and trucks go down the berm to skip traffic it drives me crazy...after seeing 10 cars do it i was about the snap and seeing the semi try was the last straw lol that dude was so pissed off i blocked him, once traffic opened up he got up next to me and was hanging out his window yelling and shit, veins popping out of his head....fuck him
  4. ive decided to not name the new one yet until i find out its gender lol...so for now, its just "it" my adult sleeps on sand and burys in, but the baby was sleeping on cold paper towels on top of the glass bottom of the tank...so i put a little blanket in there for it and it loved it lol heres how i found it this morning
  5. directly from chevy? i know theres aftermarket companies that have been doing it for a few years now - i saw one on one of those weekend morning hot rod shows
  6. oh good catch...i was only going to bring one mag, didnt know we need two...the mag i carry with is different than my other mag (baseplate i mean) so i dont even use it lol
  7. thats not a costume....should have gotten a bowling shirt and some khaki shorts lol...props on the tiger blood though - is that real tiger blood? i heard they have it on tap in zanesville now no pics of my costume, but i was the Mayhem Man from the allstate commercials lol...suit, bruises, bandaid, wig
  8. the no job too big or too small pic is quite comical lol and if i was a real police officer and saw these clowns i would harass the shit out of them and their wannabe plastic play badges
  9. they have the option...if reserve is 6k and you win auction with 5600 the seller can either contact you and say "hey, the reserve was 6000, if you want it thats what it will cost" and then sell to you, or they can relist it with no penalty to them....or they can go ahead and sell it for the 5600...its up to them...basically the reserve is just in case it doesnt reach their price, they arent obligated to sell it - it doesnt mean they cant/wont
  10. this is a common problem...a lot of people get lizards for their kids without looking up the care requirements its a miracle my adult has lived to 5 with how she was kept previously...these guys tanks have to be 80 degrees at one end, 90-95 at the other end, and 105-110 in the basking spot....plus they need a separate dedicated UVB light...my 55g i have 3 bulbs, 2 in my 10g...my 4x2x2 will only have 2 lights, but its going to be wood so it will insulate a lot better
  11. at reptile shows you can get them for $25 for a regular one....they can be up to $200 at breeders for certain morphs...i paid $60 for Tripod at the pet store, my girls uncle paid $25 for Roxy at a reptile expo....the pet store was way overpriced....theyre kind of expensive to get setup and feed (i spent $100 just getting that crappy cheap 10g tank, and the lights and stuff i needed, not including the price of the dragon - and the new enclosure im having made is $210 for a no frills model, he usually charges $400...wish i was good at carpentry), crickets get expensive....im glad i bought my new one as a juvenile and not a hatchling or id go broke, they can eat up to 100 crickets a day as a hatchling which is like $10 lol...once i get my own place im starting a dubia roach colony and they will eventually all eat for just the cost of cat food to feed the roaches...itll be nice when its done thats only what i gave her too lol....the babies can eat up to 100 a day, my juvenile would probably eat 50 if i let it, but im going to mix live crickets with freeze dried to save trips to the pet store...adult eats 30 of them twice a week, usually eats greens instead....ill be switching them to roaches instead next year
  12. Im gonna take my pants off ^ all caps - stupid OR wont let me write it that way
  13. i did the 3 legged one is Tripod, the adult is Roxy
  14. its funny you mention - because i was actually trying to give the adult one away a few months ago....i got her from my girls aunt and uncle and was going to rehome her and keep her tank for a snake, they werent taking care of her and i figured i could find her a good home...then after having her a few days she grew on me and i decided to keep her lol
  15. haha i thought i would post this up....he came to our halloween party earlier with a badass costume...best i think ive ever seen, thought it was worth posting a pic he made the entire thing by hand (except the gloves)...even did all the pin stripes on the suit himself, took him a couple months (he wasnt satisfied with the head - he had made 3 or 4 of them and his good one got ruined so he used this one as a last minute thing...i think it looks great)
  16. agreed...had on shorts and a hoodie today and i felt just fine
  17. yes they are! heres a neat video of my adult hunting crickets...excuse the dirty glass, the previous owners didnt clean it and now its like etched and ruined...ill have her in a better enclosure by the weekend ....and the empty area where she is at, theres usually a log and a branch, but i take them out to feed her crickets so they cant hide in it lol http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/SaleenSS90/?action=view&current=VID_20111021_145859-1.mp4
  18. that finally answered the question i had been wondering about lol....i was curious if 0 and O exist at the bmv or if they only used 0
  19. I agree, i love these little guys! Heres my other one, shes 5yrs old - rescued her a few months ago...name is Roxy
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