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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. awesome and yea, i wouldnt blame the schools...blame his parents, i bet his ass didnt even go to school
  2. i assume all posts here are spoilers, so if i havent watched yet i dont open this thread lol that being said, good riddance jake! i want dustin or mike to win....next weeks challenge looks sweet
  3. the freehand work is very impressive, did he do it or did he only trace the previous work in green?
  4. i want a 1911 who wants to sell me one for sub $300 lol
  5. looks good. the words used to be orange and he air brushed over them? seems theres some yellow in there, is that where the orange is showing through or was that added?
  6. pics are way too tiny to make them out
  7. im the same way, which is why im kind of taken back by this situation.

    im the kind of person where almost nothing at all will ever bother me...my emotions are pretty much locked down like fort knox, which is why im not sure how to handle this particular situation.

    hell, i cant even think of a logical reason for me to even be upset at it, but i am. makes it hard to deal with stuff.

  8. and i have the right to say i hope they die in a fire. what the problem is
  9. even in your yard? wouldnt they be considered a pest at that point? justified shooting - deers eat their garden if it doesnt work like that - oh well...dont care all too much lol...it should work like that....if its on your property you should be allowed to do whatever to it
  10. swing on their nuts all ya want, i still hope their church has a gas leak and goes up flames next time theyre having their sunday get together
  11. its a trap! i worked there and i basically worked for free...my whole check was spent before i left...they gave us our checks before our lunch break....good strategy! then we can cash it on lunch break and spend it when we get back to the store....sneaky bastards lol i once bought a pair of $20 socks there.....wtf was i thinking
  12. im just waiting on some to walk up while were in the garage working on the trucks at my girls house....they play in her yard often, id like to see what the .40 will do to one with a nice JHP lol
  13. they say that everything bad in the world is caused by homosexuality. they say all soldiers are gay, and thats why they protest the funerals. their website is www.godhatesfags.com fucking nut jobs - i hope they all get massacred some day at one of these protests by a PTSD Rambo motherfucker check this out http://www.godhatesfags.com/wbcinfo/aboutwbc.html and it also says they have done protests in Iraq and Jordan.....must have been at US military facilities, you know those crazy al-qaeda wouldnt take their shit like we do lol
  14. without jason and biggo were down to 9 people...need one more
  15. yep...deleted you from friends and it disappeared so only people on your list can see it
  16. i added you as a friend and now i can see the video...ill delete you real quick and see if its still there
  17. yep...get a ripped up one cheap and recover it...save yourself some money
  18. definitely sharp bikes...just needs more zx15
  19. still nothing, even after clicking that i use FF, just tried Chrome and same result and i see comments from other people, just not from you...like theres a guy asking if they carry an exhaust for some china bike...and a woman posted a race video etc....youre just not showing up maybe its in your privacy settings where people cant see posts you make if they arent your friend or something, idk
  20. gen3 - stop PMing me asking if the horses are DTF....you cannot borrow one
  21. lulz - its not actually my tv, and my girls family owns horses thats why theres a book
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