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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i work with a guy who met a girl in a bar and went back to her place and she had plastic down on her bed and asked him if he was into scat play...she wanted to take a shit on the bed on the plastic and lay in it while fucking....needless to say he took off (or so he says) lol
  2. he wont realize he has to go before just straight up shitting himself? i dont have kids so i guess maybe i dont understand
  3. ummmm....what? how do you forget you have to drop a load? i think some little shit is doing it on purpose (harhar, i made a pun) whats the deal with kids shitting in pools? is it like some fascination? there was another story posted recently about kids shitting in a pool and the summer camp instructors checking their trunks to try and find who it was....its crazy
  4. i wonder if that might change here soon after this mishap? a radio seems like something that is a must have lol...i mean, i dont fly so i guess i dont know for sure, but i cant imagine flying without having any kind of communications....what if you have a technical problem and need assistance or something? rich people being cheap is all that seems like imo...maybe she will buy a radio now lol
  5. pluz juan for ebc.... had them on my dirty bikes and my vmax and loved them....not to say i noticed a huge improvement over OEM pads, but i never had a problem with the EBC and they worked great....i wouldnt switch out good OEM pads for them, but if my OEMs wore out i would put the EBC in in their place
  6. i would have thought having a radio in the plane would be mandatory...if i was the gov. i would send them a nasty bill for the fuel and time it cost for those f16s to run them down....having a radio (or common sense lol) would have avoided all that trouble
  7. i had Metzler ME880s on the vmax and it was the best thing i ever did to that bike they supposedly get great mileage (i didnt wear them out, they looked brand new after 2-3k miles when i sold it)....they were plenty sticky, i could lean the bike over until the footpegs scraped and they took it perfectly....awesome tires i also got caught in quite a few thunderstorms and never had them slip or anything, which says a lot on such a torquey bike....even rode a thunderstorm at 80ish on the freeway just fine
  8. wasnt saying you would fly in the presidents space just that i pictured it in my head when it was mentioned
  9. sounds like she got lucky....no charges filed did anyone else think of gen3 when it said a woman pilot? lol
  10. nice meeting you D, thanks! enjoy it
  11. a lot of websites say: not that i havent seen them here - but technically i think they may not be allowed may just be one of those things where the companies only do that just to be safe, there may be specifics that make them legal or illegal here etc....kinda like how some companies refuse to sell to people in california, even if its a CA legal weapon, just because they dont want to deal with the hassle and liabilities
  12. i agree. thats why he made a personal attack against the quality of the weed calling it shitty....stumpylumpy, you dont need to yell at the weed, man, your anger is with the dealer not the product
  13. no worries - just wasnt adding up thats all....wasnt aware this had been an ongoing problem over the course of several years...i got the impression from your posts that it all had been recent honestly though - your neighbors are wasting their time trying to get them kicked out for traffic....might get them a fine and maybe teach them to control the cars a bit better....but they wont get booted for it goodluck getting rid of them - if its as horrible as you say it is, you may be better off finding somewhere better to live, because youre not going to get rid of them (lawfully)
  14. how much you charge to butcher deer? or do you only do your own?
  15. ok....not that im trying to rag on you and call you a liar etc etc but i find it very hard to take you seriously at this point.....you make a complaint, then you get suggestions, and all the sudden theyre something you have already tried and then theres more information added to make the story even worse it reminds me of that game kids play where you say a phrase and then whisper it to the next kid etc etc and by the time it gets to the end its totally different kid1: i think he steals stuff and sells weed kid2: he steals stuff and he shoots up heroin kid3: he steals stuff and he has people over doing drugs all day kid4: he steals stuff and has 35 plus people all stop by for 3 minutes to buy drugs kid5: he steals stuff and sells a ton of drugs all day and theres other drug dealers after him and my family is in danger sorry if im a little skeptical, but i feel like were either not getting the whole story or we are getting a story that is embellished by your (justified) frustration at the events. i would not like living near him either, espeically if theres a possibility he is breaking into houses....but your story went from something small to something you would read about in a book made for a lifetime movie ok so right here youre saying that nobody is calling and complaining, nobody ever sees anything, and you "think" the kid is the one doing it now hes a heroin addict trying to get his fix, not just a drug dealing tv thief...and you no longer "think" he robbed the cop, you know he did now theres neighbors complaining with you but before they never saw anything and nobody was noticing stuff etc....theyre now angry about the come-and-go traffic due to all the drug deals so the visitors for the drug deals are now clogging up the street and making people late for work. they are also sticking around to do drugs all day. youre also sure theyre doing hard drugs now not just weed deals. now youre saying the cars stay there for no longer than 3 minutes so the quick drug deals can go down, what happened to them staying around all day to shoot up heroin? now you mention that your dad has been recording this stuff, but only after the suggestion was mentioned....just seems a little convenient and it doesnt add up of why there hasnt been an investigation. "the sheriffs dont give a shit" is not a valid excuse. you also now have a story about some people from cleveland out to get him, and now youre worried about your and your familys safety and stuff, but that wasnt mentioned at all in the original post, you were simply worried about your stuff again - if an ex cop saw his stolen stuff inside someones house...there would for sure be legal consequences....some stuff that looks suspicious isnt enough to warrant the police busting down the door....so im going out on a limb and saying the cop didnt see anything solid enough to prove and i apologize if im completely off-base with this....but i know i cant be the only person thinking this
  16. oh man, so much interest in this little gun new price!! TREE-FIDDY jk of course lol
  17. yea! lets get sheriffs who barge in the door and violate our rights! shoot to kill, fuck the constitution! thats my motto, no doubt.
  18. HoA wont evict them for this....if they did, it would take forever and a day to do so....first they will send a warning about too many vehicles being parked there (if they even go this far, they may just ignore you and say that since the cars arent there permanently theres nothing they can do)....after a few warnings they might send them a small fine....after awhile the fines will get a bit bigger....in an extreme case they could then put a lien against the house and give more warnings, and then maybe finally foreclose them also, if a house goes into foreclosure, it can take almost two years to get them out from the date of the foreclosure...its like 500-600 days or something if the HoA was out to get them, it would still probably take a few years to get them foreclosed, plus another 2 years to get them out after....i think you just need to suck it up and deal with your shitty neighbors....the only thing you can do about the break-ins and stolen property is talk to the authorities, theres nothing you can do about the traffic if the HoA wants them out and is going for blood - expect at least 3-4 years before they are gone....and since that doesnt even appear to be the case, i wouldnt get your hopes up i have some shitty neighbors too, trust me, i know how this works unfortunately
  19. last year was my first year out deer hunting and didnt have luck...going to go again this year - i hear the smell is horrible while cleaning one...not looking forward to that part, but the meat sure will be nice if i manage to get one lol
  20. how would they get evicted? do they rent? is there a HOA? whats the deal?
  21. agreed....dont go shooting up your neighborhood with a 22...get a pump pellet gun and go to town...it will tear up a little less meat also, squirrels already dont have much
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