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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. nah man...he kept the dog and in one month he taught it 17 tricks and taught it to fly
  2. middle finger means bidnizz
  3. welcome to OR. i know this guy. but i dont know that jagr guy. fuck that guy.
  4. ringorolled is when you get hacked by a person with mad hacking skills who is capable of crashing OR and your computer and wreaking ultimate havoc.....no pictures are available of him though, he doesnt know how to work photobucket yet
  5. OP musta got ringorolled then
  6. OR is so much better than CR....i got banned for making one of these threads with phils account once
  7. i must be stupid lol....i dont see the vote button
  8. our trackhoe has like 26hp....why would a lawn mower need 23? lol
  9. hopefully you dont get gunned down by mexican drug cartels using US ATF provided assault rifles goodluck man! congrats...sounds like a sweet gig...ide love to move to AZ
  10. too close to my bed time.... FFFUUU UPS
  11. ^ really? ive never seen it and i drive that entrance quite often....ill have to pay more attention next time lol
  12. I know its their law - but I mean I wonder why they even bothered having an open carry law if they also require the gun to be unloaded...doesnt make too much sense...i wonder if youre allowed to carry a loaded magazine as long as its not in the gun?
  13. whats the point of open carry if youre not allowed to have it loaded? (that CA video) that guy is lucky he found a nice cop that knows the laws....i bet most cops would have beaten and arrested that guy and probably broke his camera
  14. cool np - sheer luck lol...i just googled it and happened to stumble upon that one
  15. sorry if i disagree that their sole intention of doing this is to generate revenue. if that was the goal i would have thought they would push for all highways inside of the 270 loops to be 55mph instead of 65mph. changing the speed limit in a short little section of a single road that happens to be full of accidents and not a very good spot for a speed trap, just doesnt seem like a great way to try and suck the people dry to each their own. i never said people cant be stopped in that area - i simply said the berms make it more difficult to stop people in that area than on other parts of the highway that have huge berms and medians. its not a logical place to change laws to try and write more tickets, theres so many places around the city where that would be easier to achieve.
  16. would something like this work? http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-eps
  17. after that curve is already 55, and before that curve is still going to be 65.....isnt that what this entire discussion is about, the newly affected area?
  18. ok - wasnt aware they had those now, looked it up and theres a total of 5 for the entire city.....so sure, maybe they will get one every now and then....but i still stand by my statement that theres not enough room to safely stop a vehicle in that curve....those bikes with the trike kits i bet barely fit in those berms, let alone a car/truck being pulled over theyre not going to stop cars and hang half way out in the lane to write a ticket
  19. this is not a safe area to make a stop - for the officers or the civilians....the stops would have to be made closer to miller kelton....its not the only place around the city...in westerville/polaris area they run into a similar situation on maxtown road between westerville rd and 71....theres not enough room to safely stop cars - they have now switched to using a plane and diverting traffic off of the main road to be stopped.....im not saying they cant put motorcycle cops in the berm in this area to catch speeders and then have the cop follow them until its safe to stop them, but being such a confined area is going to make it more difficult to "generate revenue" through ticketing people, thats all im saying theres enough wrecks in this little section of 70 that i think it would help to have people slowing down a bit (not that most will)....nothing like a broke city wasting its tax dollars cleaning up after idiots who like to play bumper cars in traffic
  20. i do too when it opens back up around miller kelton - but that section between miller kelton and livingston is too narrow for a car to safely park (patrol car, or a citizen being pulled over)....their best bet is put motorcycle cops out there, and then when they get a speeder follow them through that section and make the actual stop when it opens back up after that curve
  21. maybe in canal - but up until recently i drove through columbus almost daily and i see them like may-august and thats it (give or take...certainly not "all year")
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