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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i actually hadnt thought about it until you made this thread - but i might just pick up a second gel blaster for myself when i get one for my girl...guess it cant hurt to have a "first option" aswell
  2. i didnt even realize civilians could get tazers, but now that i think back i think chief mentioned them in his chl class....30 seconds is a long time, are they as strong as law enforcement ones or are they tamed down?
  3. he pulled that off very well - i wouldnt have been able to keep a straight face
  4. I cant imagine having no hearing protection...i went to the indoor range and just had orange ear plugs and every time the guy next to me shot his competition 45 i jumped
  5. if i was you, i would look into a gel then...not a super long range thing, but more range than pepper spray and more effective aswell with less chance of spraying everybody else in the immediate area and for the fashion statement comment - it even looks like a miniature red gun....so you can be the baddest pepper spraying dude ever. the link i posted is outdated - they have a new model out now, changed the grip on it http://www.pepperblaster.com/movie/showcase
  6. not talking about firearms he was asking about non lethal solutions and mentioned pepper spray, i compared it to a stun gun - not a real gun no point to mist people with pepper spray when there are better options of non-lethal self defense, such as a pepper spray gel or a stun gun....thats all i was getting at
  7. not on edge, you just mentioned the fashion statement and hardass nonsense when all i was saying is that a pepper spray has too much collateral damage to be practical in all applications its all good
  8. if you insist on a pepper spray type of defense over a stun gun - get a gel that isnt going to spray everybody in the area....only thing is they tend to be expensive something like this http://www.midwayusa.com/viewproduct/?productnumber=148914 i read in an article the impact alone is like getting hit with a baseball bat, and you cant wipe the stuff off....i plan on getting one of these for my girl since she is anti-gun
  9. i didnt mean you would look like a woman if you carried pepper spray, i was just commenting on a scenario that seemed more fit for pepper spray if you were to spray that stuff inside of a closed in area such a bar, its going to spread and burn everybodys eyes in the area, including your own. thats why i said a stun gun is probably a better option. you asked for opinions, if you dont like them, dont ask if i was in a bar and two people got in a confrontation and one of them pulled out pepper spray and sprayed it and it got in my eyes, i would be kicking somebodys ass to the best of my ability (might not get far with pepper spray in my eyes - but you wont get far either)
  10. she got better but now shes getting worse....falling down, had a couple seizures, and her vision is almost all the way gone...she has good days now and then but she has some real bad days too... last night she was outside and came up to the deck but couldnt find the stairs....my mom went out to get her and was clapping and talking loudly and she didnt hear her...my mom got right up to her and she finally heard the clapping but tried to go forward and walked straight into the deck, so my mom picked her up and she must have scared her because my dog started yelping.... she has trouble getting in and out of the door, up and down the deck steps, etc....shes just getting old... my mom is going to take her in june 3rd since she has a half day off and have her put down.... im not sure if i want to go or not....
  11. i wouldnt carry pepper spray - that seems like a desperation type of thing a woman would use in a dark parking lot....if you were to spray that at some dude inside of a bar that was messing with you, you would upset the whole bar and probably get your ass kicked...that stuff spreads like crazy... i think a stun gun would be a better option....my dad had a small stun gun (he didnt carry it - just had it to mess around with lol) it was about the size of a deck of cards, easy to slip into one of those universal cell phone cases and clip on your belt
  12. bought a bike and had to put it in storage for 3 years? that must have sucked!! welcome to OR
  13. i was talking about bikes - not a truck that looks like this i didnt say they dont have squished copper ones - but i am saying that ive worked on a few bikes (all yamahas) and none have used the gasket in the picture you posted, they either had one of the two i posted - hence the "ive only seen this kind and this kind"
  14. every one ive seen looks like this or a thicker ring style like this
  15. np...try some PB or WD...or try heating them up with a hand torch and prying them off - dont heat them to the point of warping the head, just get them hot enough that they become more pliable or a combination of the two....but be careful since penetrating oil does burn lol
  16. i can respect that! goodluck on the sale! sorry to junk up the thread, your post just caught me off guard because earlier today i was thinking the exact opposite as the concrete was setting up while i was trying to edge it, "Damn, i can't wait to get off work and go study!" lol
  17. whats wrong with you? i go to school so i can someday NOT work construction lol
  18. man up and keep prying....aint gonna hurt the bike also, any penetrating oil should help if you really really cant get it
  19. i can honestly say i would trust todd with a firearm just as much or more than anybody else ive met, here or otherwise. and if i was in a situation that required the use of lethal force - i definitely wouldnt mind him having my back......hes a crazy mofo and i honestly believe he would enjoy the fire fight lol, responsible, but he seems a bit twisted in the head....but its all good thats why we all like his short ass
  20. Kinda disagree....i understand following the law but at the same time its our constitutional right to carry so I think having to get a permit and having restrictions on where u carry are both unconstitutional.
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