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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. he does in-fact drive a prius but having a sweet bike makes up for a gay car that and paying $50 a week in gas instead of $150 like some of us
  2. if you save $125 that week - thats $500 a month.... insurance you figure 20-30 a month, if you have a payment say 200-300 ....still coming out ahead every month
  3. really? turtle got locked down by a feMale? shiiiiiit maybe the rapture DID happen saturday
  4. my taint needs licked - you seem fit for the job
  5. thats how those ones on BR are...theyre muffs though, but they amplify sounds under 85 and block sounds over 85
  6. http://www.ballisticreload.com/ earmuffs today
  7. that 15yr old Thai hooker was probably not a great idea... i have slight burning and irritation this morning, along with piss that looks like yellow cottage cheese.....
  8. that was me. you sent the request to the wrong tyler.... Tyler524 or whatever im assuming since it says you added him lol....but you said "fixed?" so i assumed you meant to add me so i went ahead and added you since you sent it to the wrong one lol
  9. dont feel bad...she isnt my fb friend either.
  10. make sure theres no uneven gaps between the bumper and headlights a car that new, i wouldnt even worry about it to be honest....i would go for it i owned a salvage title car and it was fine, and the truck i wanted to buy before i bought my current one was also a rebuilt title (it sold before i emailed the guy , so i bought my current one instead - clean title)...as was my vmax.....so im not against them at all...the way i see it, you get a car that functions just as well for half the price lol
  11. he probably called all million of them daddy while it happened, then he probably just sat in a corner and cried in shame after he realized his poop shoot no longer operates properly
  12. ill believe it when i see it....last 2 days it was supposed to rain and its been nice and sunny here
  13. Robby Ringnalda <ringnalda2@hotmail.com> Phone: 614-270-8617
  14. it just happened a few days ago....after the cops were called, the truck driver left the scene...riders waited for the police to show and they never did....the sheriff told one of the guys on a different occasion that if he saw any of them passing him on a double yellow he would run them off the road himself, so im assuming they arent getting much help someone one AFJ has a relative that is close with higher ups with the state police - so as i took it, they are currently still pursuing this but it happened too recent for anything to come of it yet
  15. Anybody wanna buy a .40? I have found my new weapon of choice.
  16. are you trying to prove some kind of point, or trying to belittle me? either way - i already admitted at the top of this page that i hadnt stopped to consider the second guy its like somebody saying "2+2 is 5" then you saying, "no, its 4" then them admitting they were wrong, only to have you keep hammering away im not sure what youre trying to express to me?
  17. yes - and i already admitted in a post further up that i hadnt stopped to consider that there was 2 of them vs him and that i also thought they would have trouble in court. i already admitted that my first post was not accurate. the two of them would have been able to take down the guy without using deadly force. if it had been just the truck driver and the biker - i stand by my initial argument that it would be self defense, the biker cant be expected to run forever, further endangering himself and others. and when he stopped they had words, and then the guy retrieved a weapon from his truck.
  18. I just dont understand how some homicidal maniac tries to murder a biker for passing him on a double yellow, and you are now saying that the truck driver is the victim because the bikers instigated it.
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