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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i guess im a noob at track riding...i just assumed people on the track actually use their brakes every now and then
  2. when i did the initial setup of the phone it asks if i want to use google tracking and all that crap - i unchecked it all...i feel the same, i dont need all my stuff location tagged and stuff...if i feel the need for gps, i will turn it on...not leaving it on automatically
  3. i think its something you accidetnally turned on....mine was already off and ive never been in that menu before
  4. i love these threads...makes it easy to scope out which system i would like to "acquire" for my own needs
  5. agreed....."if it sounds too good to be true..."
  6. sounds kinda like you already have your mind made up....were all telling you to not get the zzr but you keep finding reasons why you like it better why does it have to be one of these two bikes? if you dont want to drive nashville - just keep looking for a 636 or r6 locally, you dont have to buy the zzr if you dont buy the 636
  7. likwid - HD riders wont be waving at you either, Mr. Porsche. vrod and xr1200 are the outcasts of the harley community
  8. flakey sellers suck. been there. just try to find a 636 local.
  9. 636>zzr you cant even compare carb bikes to FI bikes....i will never ever buy another carb bike
  10. i wouldnt wave at your stinkin ass either.
  11. and lmao at the second guy.....what an idiot
  12. his clutch must think hes a douche too
  13. me too...was getting nervous as hell lol im STILL messing with it...but im almost done...have to remerge my FB contacts with phone contacts, and i deleted the shitty Liberty clock app and downloaded the stock blur alarm
  14. oh my bad, guess i misunderstood
  15. i disagree....everything else i see on the net says otherwise....people are talking about loaded guns from WWII still firing perfectly after sitting loaded since then. One guy on THR had a Sig that was loaded for 15 years and he went out and fired it no problem. The springs are not at max tension when loaded. Sitting loaded or unloaded is no difference for them - the only thing that wears them out is compressing and decompressing....a magazine that is loaded and unloaded daily is going to wear out substantially quicker than one that sits loaded 24/7
  16. http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-225856.html this is where i read it - dont know if its true or not, but that concern is just as stupid as a spring wearing out, brass is soft metal. not like my point was any worse than the question of springs wearing out from being loaded
  17. new theme is up and running...its very nice! and i changed the phones font to Droid font - also a nice subtle change http://www.droidforums.net/forum/liberty-rom-dx/119422-theme-bigdx-crystal-x-taken-another-level-detail-get-your-fix-soon.html if you want, you can swing by sometime and check mine out before you go through the trouble of doing yours
  18. read that mag springs dont get hurt from leaving ammo in them but that you need to unload the ammo every 6 months and put it back in in a different order or the bullets could get flat spots
  19. it seems nice once you figure the stuff out....problem is, looking online isnt too much help since most people have a small clue what theyre doing....they give directions that are incomplete its like if i asked you how to change spark plugs on a 3.0 chrysler motor and you told me to remove intake manifold then remove plugs - if i had no idea about anything related to cars, i might not realize you need to remove throttle cable and that other stuff.... i think it may be worth it when its done - but if i had known it would be this much of a PITA i dont think i would have messed with it
  20. ive been messing with it all day now it seems lol installed liberty 2.0 and it loaded my apps but took forever....had to go to verizon site and export my contacts then import to google to get them on my phone now im messing with Ti Backup to get rid of all the dumb apps i have a list still... new theme, get my widgets back somehow, and set up my home screens again since new ROM was like a factory wipe
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