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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. imma be packin heat at applebees now, fools better hope they never make me bust out my gat....my damn nachos better have nacho on each chip or shit is gonna get real heavy, for real.
  2. yep thats the worst one i passed...there was another minor accident with 3 cars on the ramp for 670e/71n right by columbus state - and then i saw another inbetween the two of those that wasnt bad at all
  3. the accident with the SUV that was facing on-coming? almost to 270? or was it a different one?
  4. i would assume so since it would take all of 5 minutes to do it
  5. is that your dept. only or is that in general? ive noticed that besides that one time, ive never had a cop write me up for multiple things...ive been stopped by columbus, franklin county sheriff, whitehall, new albany, gahanna, pataskala, delaware county sheriff......damn....no wonder my insurance rates sucked when i was in high school overall - theyve all been easy to deal with except the franklin county sheriff....i think he was jealous of my car, and he got pissed when he realized it was in my name and when he asked me who paid for it i told him i bought it myself....he was a prick
  6. i have nothing but respect for police - until the red and blues come on, then i only have respect if i realize i cant book it and get away lol but really, i dont know what his deal was...he was a real young guy so maybe he was trying to look good in his first week or something.... he pulled me over on e broad st in reynoldsburg at like 3am leaving a gas station
  7. i was on a job in hilliard and took 670 back like a fucking idjit. i sat in that mess for an hour...it was never "stopped" it was just snail speed... i saw 2 or 3 accidents...two minor ones and one where an suv was smashed and facing the wrong direction i was there arond 5 30, so not long after you posted this thread - so if it was actually stopped, they had it moving again by 5 30
  8. omg....youre so fucking stupid and youre too oblivious to realize it....this shit is awesome...i love this thread 2 or 288 idgaf anymore, scottie is wrong no matter what the answer is m and d have the same weight....i think you need to hop on the special bus and take a refresher course at your local middle school bubby http://www.purplemath.com/modules/orderops.htm http://www.mathsisfun.com/operation-order-pemdas.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations http://www.studygs.net/pemdas/ those all say youre wrong. and those were just the top 4 hits in google your example: 6/3*4 ... 6/3 = 2 *4 = 8....according to you, the answer is .5 because 6/(3*4) is .5....but without those parenthesis, its 8 type that into ANY calculator and you will get 8 furthermore - PEMDAS is just an acronym...you know another acronym for order of operations? BEDMAS Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.07/h/brit1.html http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/bedmas.html http://www.mathsisfun.com/operation-order-bodmas.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Xa62buiJI so, will you PLEASE shut the fuck up and stop calling people out with wrong information
  9. the officer who wrote the tickets pretty much told me im not actually in trouble....he wrote me up for every little thing he could imagine and then flat out told me that hes not going to show up to the court date...and he didnt, so i got off with everything he wrote me up for no turn signal (which i did use my signal), no headlights because i turned them on while i was leaving the gas pump instead of turning them on before i put the car in gear, unnecessary squealing of tires (which i think was BS anyways, it was pouring rain and my tires lost traction for half a second in a rwd mustang....i think that may be it, but im not sure...i just know he was finding everything he could....interrogated me about where i was going, if i had been drinking, why im out so late, etc etc etc.....dude held me up for 20 minutes on the side of the road for basically nothing....then he told me at the end of the stop that he is not going to show up to court and that if i fight the tickets i will be good to go....and he wasnt lying, i didnt get hit with anything
  10. *edit - just repeating myself and others....beating a dead dog
  11. no glass policy on your insurance? any damage under $300 to my truck (glass only) has no deductible and wont raise rates might wanna give them a call and check
  12. i had a westerville cop tell me that they dont have "quotas" but that he is "supposed" to write a certain amount of tickets per month also heard from a columbus cop that they have to write a certain amount of tickets...i got pulled over once and the columbus cop wrote me 4 or 5 tickets all for BS and then flat out told me if i contest them in court he wont show up so i wont get in any trouble.......asked another columbus cop about that and he said theyre supposed to write a certain amount of tickets, and that as long as they write them theyre in the clear, they dont actually have to stick
  13. ^ a couple of them did...one behind him does, and one in front of him does...the one in front is at 0:57, and 1:30 the one behind him does ** edit just watched it again, and i guess they didnt really try that hard, the one at 57 just got aggressive, and the one at 1:30 only half striked
  14. scottie - stfu, this has nothing to do with PEMDAS.....mult and div have the same rank, its left to right. nobody else is even talking about that shit....your top engineer is a retard too if he believes that. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/orderops.htm
  15. cypress brings up a good point.....if you got all those injuries, it sounds like you werent wearing gear - but you claim that you were.....im confused?
  16. its a shame that good police officers stood up for their beliefs and got 4x the amount of compensation they asked for from the dept. for harassing them? you fail. good on them, im glad they had the nerve to stand up for the people like they did.
  17. i dont remember the last motorcycle thread with this many hits this quickly
  18. normally ide say theyre offering you a good amount - but if youre paying for $8000 of coverage ON TOP of the value of the bike, then i would fight for every dime of that money that they owe you...if you have receipts for 8k worth of mods, then fight them for 8k...especially if they already told you that they would cover the 3k paint job....theyre not even offering you enough for the paint, let alone all the accessories....it may take awhile, but i would keep fighting with them...if you get to a point that you cant agree with them and theyre not willing to work with you, tell them youre going to find a lawyer and go from there...its like whats been posted already, if youre paying for extra coverage - then the blue book on your bike doesnt matter....i know a guy who had 40k worth of coverage on a car that had a book value of 4500 dollars....he had about 20k into the car in just mods, plus his initial purchase price - came out to about 40k (it was a 96 mustang gt)....if that car was to get totalled or stolen, they would have to pay out the 40k value, not book value plus some receipts....sounds like theyre trying to fuck you, dont back down (and yes it works like that...i know a guy whose car got stolen and it had a large policy on it and they paid him more than double the value of the car because of his larger policy)
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