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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. quoting myself because i directed this question to you and you ignored it did you miss it? or did you just have no intelligent answer? im curious to hear your take on it ide rather see this guy clean himself up, get back on track, and start paying taxes....apparently you would rather see him running the streets stealing shit outta peoples cars just to make enough money to survive?
  2. its not like hes trying to hide it...his mug shots were posted in his interview on the today show, and she even talked to him about his past
  3. glad to see youre perfect and have never committed any crime and all i get from that first page, is a whiny ass journalist....its not this guys fault that other homeless people dont have the talent he does he has a special talent, that he has practiced and also had schooling for, and now hes turning it into a source of income....i see no problem with that....maybe if more homeless people had talents like this that warranted them getting the same kind of offers, then it wouldnt be an issue, but since most are unskilled, its bad for this guy to be? honestly though....how can you sit there and judge this man? 1. you dont know him 2. being homeless can make anybody desperate 3. you have commited crimes too im sure, does that mean someone who has done less than you should talk about you the same way you regard him? answer me this: what have you done in your life that makes you so much better than him? explain to me how youre perfect and have never maid a mistake. tell me why you think youre a better person than he is....i would really be interested in hearing how you think, because it blows my mind to read your posts and see how you treat this guy like hes inferior to you, as if you were perfect
  4. if theyre not doing 5mph over, i pass them all the time lol
  5. i dont either...i hate all you fuckers equally...especially you bad324, you mexitalian guido fucktard
  6. yea...i got a PM from him, he didnt feel the need to continue posting in this thread...probably since he stated he was done posting in it and now refuses to post in it.
  7. ^ most if not all of those, were made up for entertainment purposes
  8. yep...ide take a solid full face vega over a modular helmet plus, it was for a high 13 second car...i wouldnt even wear a helmet if it wasnt required by the track...not like i was in something fast, just had to have a helmet to play by their rules, so i got the cheapest one i could get notice i dont wear a vega on the street (even if i could find one to fit me)...hell, i wont even wear one in the dirt
  9. ^ he moved here from a different country, perhaps hes not as familiar with how stuff works around here as someone who has lived here their whole life....god forbid he asks questions...better than the squids who come around with no insurance, buy the "phattest" stretched bike they can find, and slam into shit doing triple digits in flip flops
  10. i dont trust modulars....ide be afraid the hinge will snap on a hard impact...to each their own what size you wear? ill make you a good deal on a badass full face with a radio/bluetooth/mp3 already installed in it
  11. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/01/07/2011-01-07_ted_williams_man_with_golden_voice_and_mother_reunite_on_today_mom_says_dont_dis.html?r=news despite his past, if you watch this video, you can see that he is sincere and trying to turn his life around god forbid a person be judged for the rest of their life, from things they have done in the past
  12. if we lock him up for his 3 warrants (that combined probably will be less than 10 years)...then what? he gets out and hes back on the street doing the same shit hes been doing...on top of that, while hes in jail, were still paying his bills so lets see...let him be a bum, live off our dime for a few years, be released and go back to being a bum, have him out shoplifting and doing whatever he does OR let him get a job and clean up his life, start paying taxes to help repay us for all the gov. assistance he has received and/or for the things he has stolen, and let him turn into a functioning member of society seems easy to me....guess some people would rather just keep dealing with him being a bum and a mooch though
  13. im waiting for the droid bionic....will be much much win
  14. i agree.... he obviously knows what he has done wrong in life, and now he has a chance to try again and be a better person...perhaps he will do just that just because he had a bad past, doesnt mean he has to have a bad future. wicked, you would rather see him back on the streets doing the same shit hes been doing, rather than clean up his life and become a positive, functioning member of society?
  15. "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." John 8:7 (KJV)
  16. wrong number txt? was this sent to you or something? i dont get it
  17. lulz, pwnd again! at least you wont the bet though, which is all that matters in the world of men.
  18. back in the day (for me, not for you old bastards), brass knuckles or a roll of nickels was the way to go....once you get outta high school, the stakes go up a little bit though....i still have my brass knuckles in my nightstand, even though i have no idea where i would ever carry them or why lol...theyre just there to look pretty i guess **edit - of course, when i say brass knuckle, i actually mean my "novelty belt buckles"....
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