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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. he needs cash bad enough to sell two of his bikes, mower, and a trailer....why would he trade you his bike PLUS cash for your bike...esp when he already has a drz that is also for sale...lol
  2. thats odd...people tend to land on their right side, as opposed to their left? any idea why? and yep...major impact right in the mouth....yo teef gon' get fukt up
  3. any info/specs/pics of mower? (you can PM me so it doesnt clutter this up) might know someone interested and if only you had this f4i for sale when i sold my bike!
  4. little better http://www.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010_bugatti_veyron_group_fe_907107_1600.jpg
  5. why bother with a half helmet? might as well just not wear a helmet at all and enjoy the breeze dude in a half helmet smashed his face in out in front of my ex gfs house....car backed out of driveway not looking, he t-boned the car and flew over it...faceplanted and his world was fucked. she ran out to help and said all his teeth were broke out, his face was mangled..he lived, but not any more than if he didnt have a helmet on im guessing, since he didnt actually land on his helmet (except maybe the part at your forehead)...i wouldnt even wanna live from that man, end up looking like golem from lord of the rings for the rest of your life if my options were half helmet or no helmet, i would say no helmet....get a full face helmet and protect yourself properly
  6. wish they had a high res of that first pic - would make a great desktop
  7. good price - especially from a dealer.....these bikes reguarly pass 100k miles, 33k is nothing if its been taken care of....blast to ride...not so much for the twisties though lol glws - shouldnt last long at that price
  8. "I don't come for a week over the holiday, and as soon as I come back, I see a backhoe on top of the house," thats not a backhoe....
  9. btw...shitty, i tried repping you multiple times - but apparently i cant
  10. my general rule for driving: ill go as fast or slow as i please, as long as my driving never causes any other driver to have to apply their brakes...whether to slow down behind me, or to slow down because they dont have time to merge over in front of me, etc....as long as im not making other people slow down for me, i do whatever i want. some days i do 60mph on the way home from work because im whooped - cruise set at 60 because i dont feel like speeding up and slowing down and speeding up etc etc etc....so i set it at 60, hop in the middle lane (since my commute, the slow lanes are all exit lanes), and i cruise...if someone wants to go faster than me, they can get in the fast lane and pass me some days ill do 85+ in the fast lane...keep my eyes on my rearview to make sure nobody is coming up faster than i am, and ill stay there....if im doing 85 in the fast lane and i see a car approaching me from behind going faster than i am, i will merge over to the middle lane when they get close, allow them to pass, and then merge back over its courtesy....the guy wouldnt have had to tailgate you if you had just moved over and let him by....you talk about him being in a hurry etc and that its his fault for being in a hurry...yet, you were obviously in some kind of hurry too if you were passing somebody
  11. how much would it cost to buy a ride in something like this? obviously not owned by an individual lol...is there companies that will fly you?
  12. Steve Butters

    which one

    yea guess its fixed now - same for the wii
  13. i dont think it was a search as much as it was him wanting to show off his ar lol
  14. i wasnt even alive in the 80s lulz
  15. +1 on factory service manuals.... try to find them online, ive found plenty of free yamaha manuals - not sure what youre working on even if you cant find free ones, sometimes you can find a digital download for a few bucks and they have nice full diagrams of parts that will help you find out what you need to order
  16. cool ordered mine...been needing a new tire gauge for the quad...mine goes from 0-250psi, so my quad tires that only require 7 - dont even register on my gauge due to margin of error on such a low number lol
  17. i might go...if so, ill be someones DD in exchange for a ride up there lol
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