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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. lol got nothing to carry - and now after finding that other bike on CL, its starting to seem like less of scam, and more of someone trying to pawn a wrecked bike to me with a bunch of electrical problems....i got NP buying a rebuilt bike or something, but im not buying something that still needs to be repaired...ide take a clean good condition rebuilt title bike over a clean titled bike that needs work
  2. and unless i can find a sweet deal on something else to ride - once the max is gone ill probably end up bikeless for atleast a year or so while i finish school and save up for a 2004+ raven edition r1 so im by no means desperate to sell it
  3. unless it was this bike hes trying to trade me...in which case i dont really want it anyways... http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1886334547.html
  4. ive met plenty of people before...hell i had a guy come over to my house the other morning to look at it this deal just doesnt feel right to me....ive bought and sold like 8 or 9 vehicles in the last 3 years, all through craigslist...some shit just doesnt seem legit if the bike was closer in value, it wouldnt have been such a red flag....but to offer me a bike that he could sell for 4k, PLUS cash for a bike im selling for 2800, just isnt right
  5. nope, but ill shoot you a PM as soon as i know - cool? tonight was fun, but the lines were too long for my liking ....im just used to CR track days where i can run back to back as many runs as i want without waiting lol...got spoiled
  6. jason, that wouldnt really do me any good if the dude is just planning to jack my bike i doubt he would steal a yzf then trade off with me to test ride my bike and never come back....then hes out a stolen yzf and only has a stolen max to show for it - and from a $$$ stand point, thats a lose because the yzf is more desirable as a stolen bike - somebody would track ride it.... im thinking if he wants it that bad he would just pull a gun and take it, which is also no good since its not covered right now...if i had theft coverage, ide let him have it lol and i couldnt tell him to give me $2800 cash while he rides my bike if the deal was to trade anyways. as good of a deal as it sounds...i think i am gonna have to go with sam and just trust my instincts on this one...it just doesnt feel right
  7. what would you guys do? anyone with their CCW feel like going with me and possibly shooting a mohamed? lol i seriously feel like this is a bad bike jacking plan, after all the shit that happens on craigslist.. the guy is too willing...he wants to trade me a bike worth 2x as much as mine, PLUS cash, and is desperate to contact me and is willing to drive 30 minutes to me to meet me....doesnt add up as a legit deal maybe im paranoid?
  8. probably wait until another CR track rental
  9. i emailed him back he responds then i ignored it and got busy and he sends i kinda want to call him since it would be a hell of a deal (almost too good of a deal really....) but at the same time, i feel like it would be a bad idea...like this dude is gonna bike jack me or something, and i dont have my CCW yet, so ide be kinda fucked if this dude pulls a gun and takes my bike i dont have theft coverage on it at the moment either...
  10. ^ thanks for informing me, we should discuss this more over a beer or 30
  11. over 120 or faster than 10.99 you need full leathers and a kill switch slower and you can wear jeans with a normal kill switch - like i did tonight left early, had something come up made 2 passes - i need a LOT of practice, 2.0 60's were not kind to me tonight cant wait till the next CR rental
  12. too many to tell....but you peeing into the gas tank of a g6 is a definite red flag ide still watch though
  13. but thats ok since youre a fee-mail
  14. shawn says 3500 rpm and let it go i do alright launching when its just playin around at a light, but when it comes time to actually race, i always end up dumping the clutch instead of slipping and then it just pulls the front up...gonna not pay attention to RT tonight, gonna just leave the line when im ready and forget about whoever is next to me (if anybody, not sure on the bike turnout tonight)....thats my problem, is i get anxious because of the guy next to me...when im lined up by myself i do alright lol
  15. i dont advise this.... i have experience with showing up with expensive shit and not telling her until its too late.... doesnt go over well but i guess in the end, she got over it - and now i have my truck...so on that note, go for it! just hope you have a comfy couch
  16. it was sort of an invite....pass it along to your old lady - i do 3 somes
  17. im not sure...it should be a 10.80s bike...so probably 11.50s lol....i gotta work on my launch, its pretty sad...front wheels pull like 3 feet and it bogs hard...gonna play with it tonight
  18. $15 to race $10 to spectate 5-whatever (i forget) ill be there around 4 to tech in and stuff should be a great turn out - and im pumped to see marks vette run on the new setup...even if its only 8psi tonight!! (atomicfusion) ill be out trying to figure out how to launch my bike without pulling a damn wheelie and bogging come say hi
  19. ^ lol thats definitely not my bedroom
  20. you calling her loose and worn out? i will defend her honor!
  21. yota wants to plug your leak....oh boy
  22. g6 is definitely flippable
  23. ** ruined my triple i hate you and if i was gonna hug your junk, you would have to get on a ladder while i layed on the ground...thats the only way i could get down to your level little man
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