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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. my advice...pay paul the $60 to fix it...easier to sell without scuffs, and if it will only set you back that far, why not...ide fix scuffs and raise price up to 4k...if it lasts till spring, 4500 obo but i understand trying to dump it to get something else you see for sale...ive lost a lot of money selling short to buy something else lol
  2. "BTDT"....who actually types that shit? i just had to google that because it made no sense to me
  3. hmm...ok i guess ill try to look more into them...i dont really see the point myself, but im reading a lot of people upgrading to them after purchasing their gun, and it seems like it would just be easier to buy one that already has them...but the price difference is significant

  4. ben...schedule it for next june and ill go!! haha
  5. damn paul, sorry to hear about your job man...hope it all works out for ya
  6. hey...are the trijicon night sights necessary for the xd40sc? i dont understand what night sights do...ive been looking it up, and all it sounds like is the sights on your gun glow...that would only help if shooting in the dark right? trying to decide if i should purchase one with or without the night sights

  7. your bike lbts...welcome to the site and glws
  8. link doesnt work...price? my friend needs a jacket
  9. you fail.....i would give anything to move to arizona...and you LEFT az to come here welcome anyways, even if your brain is on the fritz lol
  10. nah bro....Personal On Demand Storage is serious business!!!
  11. yup...cant wait to get my ccw...im pretty sure i almost got car jacked last night...i got very nervous, and im lucky it didnt escalate any further than it did!..not sayin i woulda shot anyone, but i would have asked them to step the fuck back...2v1 unarmed though, i did what i could lol
  12. oh yea me too...maybe not jail, but definitely a civil suit...hes gonna sell it and then have to pay the guy who owned it full value of the bike - thats my guess atleast
  13. he never said it was totalled or stolen...he makes it sound like a customer dropped it off for work, never paid the bill, and he doesnt want to wait 7 years to file for the title, so he is selling it as is...im assuming its a clear title bike that is registered to a broke ass that cant pay his bill
  14. someone show me what an Osprey is please? i dont think im on the same page...the only Osprey i know of is nothing remotely like a flying humvee at all i think the idea with the humvee is that you can drive them through the streets of cities, and if something was to happen where you got blocked in or stopped for any reason, you would be able to fly out
  15. yz250 vs yz250f....if you cant tell the difference, you shouldnt be working as the person who does bike inspections
  16. why would they give the inspection job to somebody who has no idea what a bike looks like? not to mention the model is on the title, which is another give away or maybe the huge exhaust pipe with baby sized muffler
  17. you have to get it inspected, how would they not know?
  18. riding back from mansfield to columbus today on a gixxahr...time to bust out my flip flops and cop-running high speed sunglasses fuck the labor day popo
  19. metaphorically speaking....plus, what happens in vegas, stays in vegas.
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